Chapter 8

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An: So this song is pretty much my whole life. My parents split when I was young and they'd be off and on. My mom wanted me to have my father in my life so she tried to stay with him. He just cheated more and my mom and I moved into my grandparents. My mom went out with 2 men within the time before meeting my step dad. They met when I was 6 and he's been there for me. He's been there more then my real father. We still keep in touch but my step dad has done more. I thank him for everything he's done. I don't ever tell him because I can't say it or show it. It's hard for me but I really do appreciate him.

Song: He Didn't Have to Be by Brad Palsy.

Lucas's POV|| 2 day time skip

I was taking a shower while Jungwoo was attempting to play video games. It was cute how he got frustrated. His nose would scrunch up and his eyes would close a bit.

We were going to the amusement park with the TaeGi, HyungWonho, and AmJay couples. Jungwoo doesn't know we're going but I told him to get ready when he's had enough.

I got out of the shower and saw my phone go off. I wiped my hands dry before picking it up. I got a text from Wonho.

Muscle Hoe💪🏼:
We're taking my truck. Look for a black pick up truck.

Lucas Bieber😉:
Gotcha, well be out in five.

I got changed and walked out to find Jungwoo. I walked into my room and I saw him putting on his pink crop top. I watched him and he turned around and jumped.

"You scared me Lucas", he told me.

"Sorry Woo, are you ready to go?" He nodded and took my hand and I grabbed my backpack. We made our way outside and saw a black pick up truck.

We got inside and were greeted by the couples.

"Welcome to the HyungWonho express. Please keep your arms, legs, heads, and tongues in the ride at all times", Wonho said.

Hyungwon hit his arm, "Daddy, stop." Wonho chuckled and pulled Hyungwon in for a kiss.

Hyungwon blushed and looked away as Wonho started driving.

"What's up Lucas", Taehyung said with a smile.

"Not much man, Jungwoo was just trying to play video games. It was cute when he got frustrated", I smiled as I recalled the memory.

"I remember when Yoongi first tried to chase a fake mouse. He'd keep running into things and get frustrated. I eventually found him sleeping on the chandelier", he said with a laugh. I chuckled as well.

I turned toward Amber, "What's good, Llama?" She rolled her eyes and everyone chuckled.

"Not much. Jay has been a handful that past two days. She keeps climbing in small and hard to reach spots and whining until she falls asleep. I'm hoping she feels better after the park", she replied with a worried expression.

"Hopefully she feels better soon, if she doesn't just let me know and I'll come with you to the vet", I patted her shoulder.

"Thanks", she smiled at me.

We reached the amusement park and we all got out. Yoongi, Hyungwon, and Jungwoo we're jumping up and down with each other. Jay on the other hand was hanging on to Amber.

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