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*3 days later*
Zach's P.O.V.
"Zach honey, you better get to packing," my mother says .
We're going on a trip to the beach .
Oh my gosh, I totally forgot and I haven't even packed yet !!!
Shit !

I search for my duffle bag and find it in the bottom of my closet .
I start to speed pack- just throw shit in there .
I stare into space, thinking if I forgot something or not .
Oh shit, Alex !
I forgot to tell Alex I was going on a trip to the beach !!!

What do I do now ?

I hear my mother calling up to me saying she had accidentally purchased another ticket .
I go down the stairs ready to go to the Standall's house to deliver the news to Alex that he will be gone for the next two weeks two days from now .
My mother puts her hand out in front of me and stops me asking, "would you like to see if Alex would like to come to the beach with us ? I mean, if it's okay with his parents . We do have an extra ticket ..."


"Yes I would love to see if he could come Mom . In fact, I was just heading to his house right now, so it's perfect timing ! Thank you," I said happily .
I drive to the Standall's house as quick as I can and I knock on the door followed by a response of,"please come ins ."

I explained all of the details of the trip to Alex's parents and they were actually pretty cool with it as long as I were watching him, with him at all times, and eating healthy foods, no junk .
So, then I go up to Alex's room to tell him to pack, because we're going on a trip .
I knock on the door and I slowly walk in .
Alex takes his headphones out .
"Hey," he says .


Alex's P.O.V.
Someone knocks on the door . 

Zach walks in . I take out my headphones and say hey .
"Me, you, my family, the beach . Where's your duffle at, it's time to get packing, we leave in two days ." 

What is he talking about ?
Is my mother okay with this ?
Is my father ?

"Woah woah woah woah woah . Hold on . Do my parents know of this ? Are they okay with it ? Is your mom okay with it ? Is-"

Zach cuts me off .

"Yes of course my mother is okay with this . And I had just talked to your parents not even a moment ago about this whole fiasco and they said they were perfectly fine with you going on the trip with me and my family, as long as we follow the rules your mom has told me time and time again about, which we never follow . Now all we have to do is pack your shit and go ."

Damn he knows his way around shit .

I can't swim, I can't walk, I can barely even walk straight .
I'm in love with this dork, and I might as well go . 

But he doesn't know that .

Not yet .

I need to grab my duffle and start shoving clothes in it before he notices me staring .

What . A . Man .

and suddenly you were my everything, a Zalex love story .Where stories live. Discover now