until i met you;a new day and new beginnings

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It was a brand new day, sana had just woke up from her alarm clock, it was 7:00 in the morning and she had to get dressed before her aunts lecture her for being late to school again.
Sana never really liked school and the homework and assignments and tests and such all. She really didn't have much time for all of those things.
But she did have time for one thing.

Her boyfriend kim taehyung, the foot ball player and vice president, he and sana have been dating for two months and eleven days.
All the girls have been asking taehyung for a date or a kiss. Sana would always get jealous of these things so she would kiss taehyung in front of the girls to show them that he is hers.

"Sana! You are going to be late again!" Aunt Sharon yelled.
"You better have some excuse when you get down here young lady." Aunt Hirai said.
Sana took the time she needed before heading downstairs to face her aunts.
"Morning aunt sharon! Morning aunt hirai!" Sana shouted and grabbed a muffin before leaving not waiting for her aunts to lecture her well mostly her aunt sharon than aunt hirai.

{During school hours}

"Sana! Baby!" Taehyung called his girlfriend over to his group of friends.
Sana walked over and kissed taehyung on the lips catching everyone's attention including taehyung's friends.
"Hey babe, who are these guys?" Sana asked.
"Baby, this is Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin, and Jimin. Guys kindly introduce yourselves to my lovely girlfriend Sana." Taehyung said.
The boys took a glance at sana and shake their heads refusing to introduce theirselves to her.

"Guys, don't be rude, introduce yourselves in a kind manner." Taehyung says sternly at his friends.
They all hugged sana roughly almost killing her until they all pulled away.
"What nice friends you have." Sana said to taehyung.
"I am so sorry about them. They are usually not like this." Taehyung apologized.
"Whatever. I have to go. I have classes to attend to." Sana said and walked away.

Meanwhile taehyung turned to glare at his friends.

"Why did you all disrespect my girlfriend?" He asked.
"Because your girlfriend is a b*tch." Jungkook blurted out earning all punches into his gut.
"What jungkook means to say is.. Your girlfriend doesn't love you and will never love you." Yoongi explained.
Taehyung couldn't believe what they were saying about Sana. How dare they talk about his girlfriend like that?
"If you all got a problem with my girlfriend. Then you should all just forget me being your friend." Taehyung said and stormed off.

"Look guys we should've been a little nicer to sana and apologize to taehyung." Jimin says.
"Are you crazy?!" Namjoon yelled. "Sana will manipulate us all like she did to taehyung to make him become her boyfriend. And taehyung won't ever look at us again. So let's just forget about him and keep being heartless towards sana." Namjoon said.
"I agree." Hoseok and jin said.
"We should go. People are starting to stare." Yoongi whispered.
"Good idea." Namjoon says as they all left the school hallways.

{In the classroom}

"What do you mean you're going to expell me?!" Sana shouted.
"I'm sorry ms. Minatozaki but until you can get your grades up i just have to expell you." Mrs. Myoui said.
Sana couldn't believe what mrs. Myoui was telling her. She has never been expelled before so why now. How is she going to explain this to her aunts again only aunt sharon not aunt hirai.
"Mrs. Myoui you don't have to expell sana." A voice spoke.
"And why shouldn't i ms. Chou?" Mrs. Myoui asked.

The girl stepped forward next to sana as she continued to stare at mrs. Myoui.

"Because i know deep down in her heart that she is a good person. Whether you think so or not i know she will do some good in life." Tzuyu explained.
Mrs. Myoui left the classroom as sana turned to look at tzuyu.
"Why did you save me? I didn't ask for your help nerd! Now stay away from me!" Sana yelled and ran away.
Tzuyu ran after sana pinning her against the lockers. Sana tried her best to get free but it was no use.

"Let me go." Sana demanded.
"No. Not until you thank me for saving your butt." Tzuyu refused.
Sana came close to giving up as she faced tzuyu once more.
"Fine. Thank you for saving me. Now let go of me i need to get home to my aunts." Sana says.
Tzuyu lets go of sana as she watches the girl flee before her eyes.

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