Chapter 20

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So I meant to do this Tuesday night, but I went to a concert(Seether, by the way, it was fucking great)and by the time I got home I was really tired and temporarily deaf, so I chose to be lazy instead. But here it is, the next chapter. I honestly don't even know what the fuck I'm doing anymore here so hopefully it all still makes sense. I kind of backed myself into a corner with the last one. And it's all in 3rd person POV, so that's different...

Videos are of the songs that play in the club scene. I used Bush again, because they're awesome and I just saw them in concert too(also fucking great)so why not. I'm off to play some Skyrim, enjoy!

Quinn stood patiently on the sidewalk, watching as Chris examined her neck in the window of a closed shop. In the few minutes it had taken the pair to leave the building, dark brown marks had formed over the girls throat, eventually taking on the shape of hand prints.

"Hmm." Chris sighed as she tilted her head to get a better view. "Maybe I should have grabbed some makeup."

The fact that she was acting so calm about the whole thing was concerning to Quinn. It was true that in the beginning he had only really viewed her as food, but he had developed a soft spot for her over the last few months. He wasn't the brightest crayon in the box but he knew Deacon cared for the girl. He just couldn't wrap his head around what had just happened and it seemed like Chris couldn't either. Why else would she be so calm?

"Are you sure you want to go?" Quinn asked when she turned away from her reflection.

Chris gave him a small smile. He was a total dumb ass, but at least he was nice to her.

"Yeah, I don't want to be anywhere near that son of a bitch." Her eyes grew dark at the thought of Deacon.

"Alright." He shrugged and turned to continue their walk to the club.

Chris had insisted that they walk, she needed the fresh air, she needed to cool off. She could not believe what that motherfucker pulled.

Quinn's goofy grin returned. "Want me to kick his ass?"

Chris let out a snort. "That's sweet, but I think he'd kill you."

"Probably." He nodded in agreement.

The walk turned quiet after that, the only sound being that of their shoes clicking against the cement. Chris thought about making her escape, but it would be too easy for him catch her on the street. It wasn't completely dead, but he would notice if she left. It would be easier once they reached the club, there would be too many people to keep track of.

Ten minutes had passed and Chris was about to ask how much longer they had to go when Quinn's phone began to ring.

He pulled it out and frowned. Bringing it to his ear he motioned fro Chris to keep moving.

"Hey boss, what's going on?" He said in that stupid persona of his.

Upon hearing this, Chris scowled and walked a little faster. She hoped he wasn't looking for her, she would run now if she had to.

"I'm heading to the club now." Quinn answered Deacon's question.

He heard Deacon sigh through the speaker. "Is she with you?"

Quinn hesitated a moment before answering. "Yeah."

There was silence for a moment, as if the man on he other end was contemplating something.

"If she tries to run, let her." Deacon said eventually.

Quinn's eyebrows furrowed. "You sure about that man?"

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