My Saviour~10

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Chapter 10

 It was about five minutes later that I heard a car door open then close. I ran to the door and swung it open to see his magnificent face. He turns and see's me and his face suddenly lightens. I ran down the steps and into his arms. He picked me up so we were face to face.''I missed you'' I say and I lean in for a gentil kiss. It electrifies my body when I touch his lips. ''I love you'' He says and leans down and kisses me. This time more pationite and I forget where we are. He puts me down on my front carpet in front of the shoe closet and leans me back against the door. How did we get up here so fast without me noticing? I don't car. The only thing I care about is me and him as one, right here and right now. He puts his arm on my waist and I feel the electricity again as his warm, rough fingers curl to fit my cool waist. His hands slide up my back under the shirt. I feel him try to take of my bra. ''I...can't.'' I say in between the kissing. He pulls away and looks at my face. I could see the look in his eyes, like he was upset. ''I'm sorry I'm not ready for...That'' I say apolagetically. ''It's not that I'm dissapointed that were not having sex. I mean don't get me wrong I want to but...I just showed you that I made a comitment and you turned it down'' He says looking me in the eyes. ''What do you mean?'' I didn't understand what he was saying. ''I promised my mother and myself that I would never sleep with someone that I don't plan on living the rest of my life with. I don't want to live the rest of my life without you. I love you'' He says. 

 I turn to face the ground. I can't look him in the eyes when he feels this way. I want to live the rest of my life with him. I remember the anger I had when I saw Sam and she told me about him and her. I was mad that she was with him at a certin point and I knew I couldn't stand feeling that way again. ''I  made a sacrafice too you know'' I say breaking my thoughts. ''I literally have nothing if I don't have you. I almost died remember. If I hadn't of met you I would be dead right now!'' I say almost yelling. ''I didn't kill myself that day because when I am with you I feel like, for the first time someone would care If I died tommorow. You are the only reason I'm living so if you think I'm not committed to this relationship, then ask yourself why am I not dead?'' I say angrily looking at him. He turned his head to look into my eyes and I suddenly regret everything I said. ''I'm gonna take a walk'' He said getting up. ''YOUR JUST GONNA LEAVE?!'' I say furiously ''HOW CAN YOU JUST LEAVE WHEN I TELL YOU ALL THAT? YOUR A DICK!'' I say. I turn around and punch the wall. My fist make a big hole. Stiring pain travels through my hand and it hurts like hell. I wince. What's wrong with me? Why did I just punch a wall. ''WHAT THE HELL?!'' Mark yells as he runs over to me. He takes my arm and I groan from the pain. He ignores it and scans my arm. ''I think you broke your arm'' He says. I feel really stupid. Not just for me punching the wall witch was really stupid. Yelling at mark like that and after all that he still runs to my rescue. ''I need to take you to the hospital''

 The whole ride there it was quite. I was in a lot of pain but I know I need to apoligize. ''I'm sorry'' I finally say. I can tell by the look on his face he was suprised. ''For what?! I should be apolagizing. First I was selfish and didn't take into account all the sacrafices you made. Secound I made you so mad that you punch a wall and break your hand. Third I made you apolagize instead of me. I'm a terriable jerk. Have you ever punched a wall befor?'' He asks. I part my lips to say something but I can't. Its true, I never puched a wall because I've never been that angry only upset. ''Exacutly! and If it wern't for me would you be here in my car on your way to the hospital to fix a broken arm?'' He asks. Again, a loss for words. ''I hate myself for doing this to you'' He says. He has pure hate in his voice and he wasn't kidding he was absoloutly furious with himself. ''If it weren't for you I'd be in a body bag in the mourge'' I say cooly. ''I love you so much I punched the wall. It wasnt your fault. Just mine. I just got so upset because I was angry at myself for making you feel that way. I didn't mean them but I did mean it when I said I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, and I live my life to be WITH you not for you. So don't feel guilty'' I say. We are to secounds away from the hospital. We park and he turns off the car. He turns to me and looks at me, deep in the eyes. He gives me a pationite kiss and my insides turn. I could feel my right arm throbbing but as we kept kissing it faded, and all I could feel is our bodies as one. He pulled away. ''Lets get your arm checked out'' He says.


By the time we leave the hospital it's eleven at night. Apparently I have a Greenstick fracture with means my bone is broken on the inside but not all the way. The doctor put a cast on and says I have to keep it there for a while. I'm releaved when he says we could leave. I was so tired I almost fell asleep 10 times. When we finally arive to my house I feel a whole lot better. 

 ''Well I'll see you tomorrow'' He says. ''If you want yo can sleep over'' I say. If he leaves I probably won't sleep well tonight. ''That's okay I don't want to make you feel uncomfertable'' He says. ''Oh no! I want you to stay. All were gonna do is sleep'' This time the dsperet in my voice is more obvious and my eyes tell him to stay. ''Okay'' He says and we both get out of the car. We both go up to my house and into my room. Mark starts to get undressed untill he is only in his underpants. He gives me a look as if asking if it's okay. As if to say yes I take of my jecket and pants so i'm in a tank top and under wear. We get into bed and lie down. He puts his arm over me and the warmth of his body calms me. We fall asleep like that.

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