My Saviour~4

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The drive back was quite. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was more like a beatiful silence. He kept looking over at me and i would look back and we would both smile. It almost felt as if I was in a dream. I just kept smileing, I couldn't believe it.

 ''Am I going the right way?'' he asked breaking the silence. ''Yep. right up at the top of this street.'' I said  caught of gaurd by his voice. We kept driving untill we came up to the gates. ''WOW. you live here?'' he asked really suprised. ''Yep. My dad owns a couple of hotels around the world.'' I said kind of annoyed. I hated talking about it. Its all anyone seems to talk about. He senced the annoyence in my tone and dropped it. ''I didn't really think of you as the rich type'' He said with a laugh. '' Being rich is a type?'' I challened. ''Oh i didn't mean it like that, i meant '' ''I'm just kidding'' i laughed. He seemed relaved then went back to smileing. I loved how gulable he was. He then stopped in front of the house. ''Thanks... for everything'' I said. ''It's no problem. Did you wanna go out later?'' He asked. ''I kinda feel like staying in'' I  said kind of awkwardly. He looked caught of gaurd, as if he was so used the girls automatically saying yes. ''Oh alright maby another time?'' He said kind of dissapointed. ''How about you come over and stay in with me. We could watch movies, eat popcorn...'' ''SOLD'' he said cutting me off. I gave hime my number then he said he'll come at 8:00. He then drove off.

 I walked into the house and as soon as i herd the yelling from my mom my grin fadded into a frown. I saw her in the living room yelling into the phone. ''Frank you promised you would be home for dinner tonight. It's been two months!'' My mom hated when my dad left. ''Hi mom! I said waving to her. She turned to me looking like I threw a book at her. ''CAN'T YOU SEE I'M ON THE PHONE! GOD ASHLEY THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU!'' I started to walk upstairs.Yep, home sweet home.

I was searching through my closet for the best pajama's. Why don't I have any cute pajama's? I looked over at the clock. 7:00. I gave up and desided to just ask my sister than go take a shower. She lives on the third floor. Up there is a pool, Hot tub room, and a party room and then I have a library, a sitting room that i use to read, and a movie room with a giant movie screen. I knocked at my sister's bedroom door.'' HOLD ON'' she yelled. I heard scrambling around as if she was hideing something. She poked her head through the door to see who it was then looked relaved when she saw my face. ''Good! it's you'' She opened the door, pulled me in by my wrist, then shut the door. ''I thought you were mom'' she then jumped and lied there on her bed. She pulled her laptop out from under her bed. ''No laptop?'' i asked. She nodded her head and asked me why i was here.'' My friend Mark is coming over'' She snapped her head right when i said mark and gave me her full attention. ''I need some pajama's, you know ones that won't make me look...'' ''Lame'' she quickly filled in. '' I was gonna say silly'' I exclaimed as i grabbed a pillow and hit her with it. She jumped up like the house was on fire. She pulled open her closet doors. She found what she was looking for and grabbed my hands and put some cloths in them. ''Thanks. I'll just go down-'' ''NO!'' she snapped. ''Your getting ready in here with me'' She said then pushed me into her bath room and closed the door behind me. ''Hurry!'' she yelled from behind the door.

 ''OH GOD'' I said regretfully as i looked in the mirror at myself. Why the hell did i tell her a guy was coming over. I didn't want to burst her bubble though. Since she was little she was so excited to have a little sister so she could do stuff like this for me. But unfortunitly for her she got me as a sister and i'm constantly guilty for it. She looked at me batting those blue eyes at me. ''What do you think?'' She asked. ''I look...'' not thinking of the right words to say without hurting her feelings. ''HOT'' she said excitedly. I was wearing pink short shorts with hello kitty on them, then on top i had a pink tank top of that showed some clevage, but only enough to tease guys. Kim put my hair back in a messy bun to look older but sexy. Over all she made me look like her. ''Here'' she said passing me some pink bunny slippers. ''arn't these kinda childish?'' I said kind of confused. ''They're cute! they add an inecence to you and going with that outfit makes you look sexy. Ding Dong. I heard the door bell go. ''HE'S HERE!! GO!'' My sister said excitedly. she pushed me out the door. She said good luck and gave me a wink.

As i was coming down the last few steps. I saw my mom with a confused look on her face talking to Mark. ''Ashley?'' She said confused. ''Are you sure your not here for Kim? the blond one?'' ''nope I'm looking for Ashley, the one with-'' He turned his attention to me as i came down the stairs. ''That one'' he said useing his eyes to guide my mom to me behind her. ''Ashley, this young man is looking for you'' she said now noticing me. ''Yea we have a movie date'' i said to her. ''It's a date now is it?'' He said. My cheeks ruened bright red. ''Well you kids have fun'' She said still confuesed. I never bring friends over. I never had friends, So she must be suprised i brought a guy over. She left and went into the elavator pushed a button witch i assume is floor 4 (her and dad's floor) and dissapeared. He looked over at me and smiled. More of a suprise smile. ''Wow you'' he said. I became tottaly insicure. ''Do i look stupid? I can go get changed.'' ''No!''he said quickly. ''You look hot. I especially love the bunny slippers, there cute.'' I turned red again. ''So do you want to watch a movie or what?'' i said trying to block my redness. ''Only if you answer my one question'' he said.''sure'' ''Is this really a date?'' he asked. '' I'll tell you when I think it is'' I started walking up the stairs and he followed.

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