5• Is it me or my attitude

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Kurt's P.O.V

We walked downstairs; for me, it was an awkward walk, but for Bev, it was the trip which marked a new impossible change. The beginning of a friendship, what a wonderful thing. It was maddening how delusional she was.

"We are done, you two can leave now," I told, hoping they would finally go away. Beverly was really a nice girl that night that I felt bad for just having a nightstand with after she seemed like a bitch.

Courtney got out of the couch and smirked at us, "what took you so long?" she implied.

Bev furrowed her eyebrows and answered with her hands raised, "fuck you, we were just negotiating, no big deal."

My ass we were.

Krist got up too and lifted his eyebrows, "negotiating what, who got to be on top?" He and Dave started laughing like teens when they hear a dirty joke, Courtney soon joined them.

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the door. "Morons."

Courtney grabbed Bev's arm and made an apologetic face, which I realized was because she fucked up. "I kind of accepted to have dinner with them," she said, glancing at us.

I stopped walking and turned around, already glaring at Krist and Dave. "What did you two do?" I asked.

Dave walked towards me to put his hand on my shoulder, I glanced at his hand but said nothing. "I know it must be awkward between you two since... you know, but they have a band too and it's fucking awesome."

I slapped his hand out of my shoulder and walked toward the others. "With that logic, we are having dinner with the Beatles tomorrow, what you think?"

Dave turned around and walked to the kitchen. "Krist was the one who asked," he accused, raising his hands in the air.

Krist chuckled awkwardly and ran to the kitchen. "David! You motherfucker!"

I glanced at the girls and gave them a fake smile. Courtney rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen too, but Bev looked offended. "Why don't you want to have dinner with me?" she asked. "I thought we got along."

"Not that I don't wanna..." I started walking towards her. "It's just awkward and it doesn't have to be, you know? We could just ignore each other until we die."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "You agreed that we could be friends when we were upstairs. You even kept my lighter to make me come to your house because you wanted to see me again. What's with that childish attitude now?"

It's called love.

"It's not an attitude. I have the freedom to say what I want and don't want," I stated, trying not to sound like a jerk. "And, I don't want to be with you anymore." Still, I did sound like an asshole.

"Then, why don't you fucking leave?" she snapped.

"It's my house..." I muttered.

She rolled her eyes. "You are such a jerk."

I groaned. "Let's just go eat, we can talk about this later." Before she could protest I started walking to the kitchen. Everyone was already sitting down, laughing about something. "What are we eating?"

"Pizza," Krist answered, "I just called them."

I sat down next to Courtney, while Beverly sat next to Krist, Dave was at the side of the table. "Good," I mumbled.

Courtney looked at Dave again and continued talking, "... then, I said they were being nuts because no way we are going to behave. Like, do you know who we are? We are Beverly and Courtney from Hole, you motherfuckers."

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