Chapter 18

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Pinkpaw yawned. What was that sound? It sounded like there was a fight somewhere. She tried to bring herself to her feet, but was exhausted and flopped over again.

She had been sent out on four patrols already today. Patrols have reported to see a cat stealing prey, although no cat could tell who this cat was or which clan they belonged to. Heatherstar insisted patrols be sent out every second of the day to find the cat. It had gone on for a quarter moon now, and still no one found the cat.

The yowls got louder. Pinkpaw’s curiosity overwhelmed her exhaustion, and she peered out of the medicine den.

A dark brown tabby, around the same age as Pinkpaw, was battling ferociously with some other warriors. His scent smelled of rogue, and his breath smelled of rabbits. Pinkpaw’s heart leapt. That must be the rogue!

Green eyes flashing, the rogue struggled out of the fight; fur fluffed up and back arched. Looking closely now, Pinkpaw noticed that the rogue had faint red flecks in his fur.

Heatherstar burst out of her den, mightily facing the rogue. “Who are you and why are you stealing our prey?” She hissed.

“My name is Wild,” the rogue began, “and I’m not telling you why I’m taking ‘your prey’.”

Heatherstar hissed and pinned him to the ground. “Why are you stealing our prey?”

“I’m not telling!” Wild hissed. “I’m not telling you!”

Heatherstar raked her claws across his face, blood spattering everywhere as he yowled out with pain. Pinkpaw looked around. Silverpaw looked concerned, her eyes wide. Squirrelberry looked as though she wanted to go back to the medicine den. Littlefur strangely was calm. Sunpaw and Skypaw huddled close together, fur bristling with fright.

Wild looked defiant. “I’m not telling you why!” He yowled. “You can’t drag it out of my dead body!” He kicked out with his hind legs and raked his back claws across Heatherstar’s belly, and then sprang back and faced her fearlessly.

Heatherstar narrowed her eyes. “Take him prisoner.”

Immediately warriors flung themselves at Wild, pinning him down and clawing him. A muscular warrior Firetail hit him hard on the head with a rock, and Wild fell to the ground. Pinkpaw rushed up, noticing he was alive but unconscious.

“Bind him up and leave him in the prisoner den. Everyone else go back to sleep,” Heatherstar ordered.

Firetail nodded and dragged Wild to a small cavern underneath a rock. Pinkpaw watched as Littlefur wrapped his legs together with comfrey and left him unconscious beneath the rock. Pinkpaw gazed at him sadly, but turned and walked off towards the apprentice den. Why was Wild stealing our prey? What does he want from us?

The next day faint mews were heard from the leader’s den. Pinkpaw crept towards the den and leaned in to listen.

“I’m not sure! What if he betrays us?” The muddled voice of Squirrelberry could be heard from the den.

“We could threaten him, and tell him we’ll kill him unless he does.” Pinkpaw recognized the confident mew of Heatherstar.

“We do need new warriors,” the next voice was hard to make out. “Wild would be perfect for the job.”

“We’ll tell him exactly this: ‘you can come join us as an apprentice, or leave WindClan territory and never come back’.” Heatherstar’s mew was heard again, louder this time.

Pinkpaw had to spring back as Heatherstar came out of the den. Squirrelberry and Littlefur followed her. Heatherstar crouched down by the prisoners den. “Wild! We have something to tell you.”

Pinkpaw leaned in forward. She could make out glowing green eyes in the middle of the darkness.

“What is it?” Wild’s voice was muffled. “Are you going to untie me?”

“We will, but you must do one of the following: join our clan as an apprentice, or leave WindClan territory and never come back.” Heatherstar meowed.

Silence. Pinkpaw held her breath. Is Wild going to stay?

Wild looked highly uncertain. He closed his eyes, appearing to be thinking hard.

“Can I think about it?” He asked uncertainly.

Heatherstar’s eyes darkened. “You have until tomorrow.” She whipped around and stalked away, her tail lashing. Littlefur and Squirrelberry followed.

Once they disappeared, Pinkpaw slowly crept up to where Wild lay. She could faintly make out the prisoner’s murmurs.

“I can’t leave them… I can’t…” Pinkpaw peered in. Wild was dreaming, his paws twitching. “I can’t! Feather!” He quieted down for a bit. Pinkpaw was about to step in when Wild lashed out a paw. She jumped back as he yowled, “Grass! Rose!”

His eyes suddenly flew open, wild and terrified. “Let me out!” He yowled. He noticed Pinkpaw. “Let me out!”

Pinkpaw was uncertain. She took a hesitant step forward. “I-I can’t let you go…” she muttered.

“I promise if you let me go I’ll be back when the morning rises.” His eyes were full and trusting, and his fur was beginning to bristle. “Please let me out.”

“Where are you going?” Pinkpaw asked.

“To find my littermates!” He yowled, but suddenly he snapped his mouth shut. “Don’t tell them where I’m going, I won’t bring them back, I’ll just… I’ll just see them. They could be starving!”

Pinkpaw felt a pang of sympathy for him. If Sunpaw and Skypaw were starving… She crouched down and nipped the comfrey, ripping it off. Wild stood up and bowed his head to Pinkpaw.

“Thank you. Umm… what’s your name?” He asked shyly.

“Pinkpaw.” Pinkpaw replied.

“Thank you, Pinkpaw. If I don’t come back before dawn, say that you don’t know what happened to me.” Wild rushed out of the camp, tail held high.

Pinkpaw watched him go. She closed her eyes. I hope his littermates are alright… and that he gets back before dawn. She waited until the heather stopped rustling and curled back into her nest, giving way to sleep.

Deep Blue Eyes-- a warriors fanfic (completed story!)Where stories live. Discover now