.: gezelligheid :.

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gezelligheid - an open atmosphere and mutual understanding that's beyond words, where people feel comfortable with another, even against the odds

Beautiful, homegrown tomatoes, which Harry managed to find hidden on a stand so small he barely missed it, rolled dangerously over one another as he leaned to his right to fish out keys of the flat. He quickly rearranged the vegetables so none would fall out and pushed the key into the keyhole. He walked in and placed the bags full of fruit, vegetables, and various other products such as cheese, milk and meat onto the small dresser that stood near the door and was used for storing their shoes, scarfs and such. He took off his trainers and walked into the kitchen to store the food and maybe even start making some small lunch, leaning down to pet Bowie who snuck up on him and tangled in his legs.

Draco was standing next to the table, trying to put on his watch, unsuccessful. He cursed a couple of times and Harry walked to him, holding his palm up for Draco to give him the watch. Draco's hands shook while he handed over the accessory and Harry didn't say anything - not until the band was secured in placed and he managed to pull the sleeve of Draco's navy shirt down from where he rolled it up to his forearm.

Harry's gentle fingers buttoned the two small white buttons on Draco's wrist cuff and when he was done, his touch lingered on the other man's palm, just a second longer. He then let Draco's hand fall, too quickly for his tastes and looked up to see Draco's lips slightly parted, his breath shallow.

"Want some scotch?", Harry asked suddenly, hoping he wasn't blushing. It would be incredibly embarrassing if he were because for Merlin's sake he was only helping Draco button his wrist cuffs; it's not that big of a deal! And yet, somehow, it was... Just as seeing Malfoy with mismatched sock and sharing a bottle of Cola with him, just like letting him braid his hair, just like getting a cat together, just like being roommates. It just seemed... more? More than it actually was.

"Hm?", Draco's eyes then focused on Harry. Harry smiled, shyly, turning to reach the scotch on the top shelf. "No, thanks. I had it already. Um, ten minutes ago."

Harry nodded and turned around, crossing his arms over his chest, taking a deep breath and then looking up at Draco from the other side of the kitchen. The only thing separating them was a table. "Why are you so fancied up?", Harry tilted his head looking at Draco's clothes which were such a contrast to his usual attire that Harry now got used to.

"Blaise invited me for brunch," Draco said quickly, pushing an imaginative piece of stray hair behind his ear before going back to fiddling with his watch. "Pans is going, too... I guess I just haven't seen her in a while?"

Harry considered that for a moment, his brows furrowing slightly. He started biting his lips after a while. "Is that why you're... um, nervous? Because you haven't seen Pansy in awhile?"

"It's not that I haven't seen here," Draco scratched the back of his neck. "We went to that party with her remember, her and Weasley and Granger and everyone but this... It's just Blaise and Pansy and I and I don't know if she'll like me anymore since..."

"Since you went to France," Harry filled in, now understanding the cause of Draco's anxiety.

"Well, yeah... I just," Draco sighed and walked to the hallway to replace his purple slippers with fancy trainers that looked more like fancy shoes than something you could run in. Harry was fairly certain he saw some model wearing them in one of those Vogue photos or whatnot. "When I don't see people for a long time I fear that I've changed too much and they won't like me anymore. I'm more afraid that they have changed too much and I won't like them anymore. And I overthink things before they happen. So it makes my hands shake, and makes me drink. Alcohol."

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