6. "Ready For Step Two?"

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6. “Ready For Step Two?”

            “Of all the ideas we could do and you pick this one?” Andrew barked at me. We were parked along the curb, just opposite Scotland Yard. Andrew was behind the wheel while I watched the station from the passenger side. “Seriously, we could get killed!”

            “Then be careful,” I snapped at him. “All you need to do is a little tap, that’s it. We’re not doing a demolition derby; we’re just letting them know we’re here.” A smile touched my lips. “They’ll definitely chase us. Just don’t kill either of them, will you?”

            “We’re not waiting all night for them to get called to a homicide, are we?”

            “Of course not. We’re not that unprepared. I took care of that. There’s something staged going on right now. Any minute, they’ll be heading to that destination. We’ll track them for a bit, and then we’ll get their attention. Easy.”

            “I’m not sure I signed up for this.”

            “You signed up for getting Heidi out of there. This is what it will take. It’s the best plan we’ve got, Andrew.”

            “Shouldn’t we have planned this during the day?”

            “Nah, everything’s more exciting at night. You’ve got your earpiece ready?”

Andrew tapped his left ear. “Yes.”

“When I get Donovan, I’ll call you. If Lestrade is still chasing you, you’ve got to lose him and circle back to the car to help me get her in. Then we make a good getaway without getting the car traced. Get ready, I see them.”

            Sure enough, not too long after I said so, Lestrade and Donovan sped away to our faux crime scene. I threw a nod at Andrew, and he brought the car to life. He jumped out quickly in front of traffic, which was scary enough. If he had the guts to do that, then hitting a police car wasn’t going to be an issue for him.

            Andrew kept up behind the duo, making sure nobody got between us. Of course, if it came down to it, we’d nudge those cars out of the way too. We weren’t going to let traffic delay this kidnapping.

            We followed Donovan and Lestrade down a few streets and corners. I didn’t pick the time for Andrew to strike, I knew when the moment I saw the adrenaline take over him. He punched the gas, launching us into the back of the police vehicle. We managed to turn it around. I looked in the mirror, snickering. If that didn’t get their attention, I didn’t know what would.

            But it was enough. Whoever was driving got them right on our tail, the sirens wailing. Andrew let out a maniacal laugh as he weaved through traffic, earning a lot of angry honking and screeching tires.  As much as I loved this chase, Andrew was having a little too much fun with it.

            If he got any worse, he’d end up killing us both.

            “Pull over somewhere,” I demanded, slightly afraid that Andrew was going to crash the car. “We’ve got their attention. Andrew, I said pull over.”

            From the corner of my eye, I saw him scowl. He sharply turned and brought the car to a jarring halt. If it hadn’t been for my seatbelt, I would have hit the windshield or the dashboard. In a rush, as we heard the pair approaching, we hopped out of the car and began running. We pushed people out of our way, all while receiving shocked gasps and rude remarks. We didn’t look back; we knew Lestrade and Donovan were following us. Well, at least we knew Lestrade would on foot; we weren’t sure how well Donovan would manage in heels.

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