How did I get here

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My name, is Jake Russell, I'm a 3rd year student at my high school, I'm an average b student and plan on going to a good college, the problem is that...they cost so much money it sucks! That's why I'm here, in front of a building with a small sign beside that door called T-Times, though the T doesn't stand for titties, it stands for tickling, if wondering how I got here, let's go back to yesterday during school.

April 23rd 2018
1:50 pm
It was during foods class that it was a free day so I talked to a few of my friends Kyle, Greg, and Rick. "So you know what kind of college your going to?" Greg asked. "Come on, are we thinking to soon?" I said. "Too soon would be a year ago, it's our third year and you plan on thinking about it next year?" Kyle told me. "I guess you have a point, I do have an idea, but I know for a fact it ain't cheep, or free." I replied. "You can say that again, that's why we're saving and having jobs." Rick said. "Yeah, I need a job that pays a lot, and fast." I said. "Well good luck with that, all the jobs go out to quickly and you barely got a chance with people, all you can do is hope." Kyle said, as he said that the bell rang and we all went home, I put on my earphones as I walked back home. "They do have a point, I need a job, and fast, if I don't, Good by happy life." I thought as I was heading home.

8:32 pm
I was looking of jobs for as long as I got home and nothing, I sigh as I hit my head on the key board. "Dammit." I said. I thought it would be hopeless, that I'll never have a job, never go to college ne- and as soon as I know it, my computer pop up an ad. "Looking for help, down town service, alley way... make money from...tickling?" I whispered to myself as I was confused. "No thanks." I said as I drag my mouse to turn off the ad but as I was thinking about it, it could be a change that I needed. So as I know it I click on the ad and typed up all the answers it asked me and submitted to me, though I was using one of my fake emails so it wouldn't be tracked down to my real email or school email, and as I knew it, I got an email saying I can come in tomorrow when I'm free, I send them that I'll be there at 4 pm, and they agree, since I said my real name, age, and that I go to school, the guy... Mr. Anderson, happily understand.

So I quickly hope the school day ended fast, did all my work, told my friends that I would be busy today and headed to the interview, hopefully I get it, and it would be easy

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