Just Like Sugar 》 Larenz Tate

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Oh god my ovaries 😩


Tazche's POV

June 1, 1994

I tapped my stilettos nails on my leg while impatiently waiting for the bell to ring.

The last day of school was always the most anticipated day for me, since I'm a senior and definitely not going to college. I just want to travel with my man and see what he does on the road.

"Okay Class of 94', just remember to have a great an--" the teacher got interrupted by the bell and everyone stormed out of the classroom without taking a look back. I was one of the last to leave knowing he'll be waiting for me either way. I stopped by my locker to grab the last of my things minding my business until he came up.

"Look who we have here. My little Tazmanian Devil!" I  rolled my eyes while swinging my bag over my shoulder, "I told you before Damien, stop calling me that and I am not your anything but a classmate-- excuse me, EX-classmate. Now move." I slammed my locker shut and started to leave before he grabbed my arms.

"Girl, why you acting like you ain't let me hit like a year ago. Since you got a sugar daddy, you all big huh?" I glared at him knowing he was trying to be funny.

I'm a little on the big side but that never stopped me from getting mine. They guy I'm with overlooked my weight and just focused on me. That's why I give the punani every chance I get. Him being one of the most popular actors is also a step up from the losers I let bother me during high school.

He's only six years older than me but I was always told I'm mature for my age. Everyone knows that the Larenz Tate belongs to me and yes, girls tried their lives talking about it like they were fucking him but I just brush it off.

"Damien, he's not my sugar daddy. We're a couple and so what if I let you hit? It wasn't that good." Pushing last him, I smirked knowing I got to him. "I don't want a big bitch no way!" He called out but I was already out the door.

Like I never heard that one before.

"Big but you begged to get with me." I mumbled.

I stopped in my tracks when I couldn't find my boyfriend. Giggles were heard and I groaned knowing that he was surrounded my girls. I turned to my right and lo and behold there was!

Stomping over to his brand new Audi 90 Coupe, I cleared my throat to let it be known that I was watching. He looked up from signing an autograph and smiled, "Tazche!" He pushed the girls out the way and picked me up. "I missed you baby!" I could practically hear the rolling of eyes around us. I just smirked knowing I had the one up.

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