chapter 1: the castile

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We are one our way to the Castile of the vampire King like panini told us so we can get the sword Katie was looking at her tablet as we fly to the destination so i asked her " what happened to u boss" as she looks at the scrap and brose's she had she looked at him and said " I was in a fight before u was it was with my enamy but she is gone now ( I forgot the enamys name look back in book 2 for it)" he dug in his suit and pulled out the first aid kit and tryed to bandage her up as he was doing so katie felt something weard she looked at him and thought * why do I feel so weard around him he is just here to help find police penguin wife* when he was done he sat back down and looked at her and said " that should heal in about 2 hours now" the pilot said " we are over the drop zone" Ronald and Katie knoded and Ronald jumped out the plain ready for action. He lands on his feet unharmed and said " well it is dark and spooky here better get looking for the village" so he walked all the way to the left and saw a light he followed it and he saw 3 people fighting back zombies and vampires he ran to help but he was stopped by his own hord of them he got one last look before being takled by vampires he thought * did I see who I think I saw* so he killed the vampires and ran to help the other 3.

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