Ronald got up so pissed he locked all of his ex's off him he ran for Tyler but Kelly stabbed him he he landed on the ground and thought this is where is ends till she showed up the boss Katie she fought and killed Kelly Hannah Sydney and jenney but Kasey was to strong she lunged for Katie but Ronald blocked her with his body and lighted on the ground bleeding to death Katie looked at him as he said "I am not going to lie, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen from the first time I saw u in your office I loved u and I see this is how it ends" She started to cry and said "I have waited for the perfect man to come around to give this too *she pulled out her fathers ring the one she got handed down in his will* and I see you are the man for me" She places the ring on his finger and something weaird happens ronald healed fast and he ran after Kasey and killed her and he also killed Tyler and said " You will not still her from me" Katie huge and kissed ronald and they bother ran for the Castile to meet up with Pat, Jen, angel and the others
book 3: The Vampire King
Фанфикwe are on our way to get the sword and along the way meet 3 awesome people