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"I now pronounce you husband and wife," he announces. "You may kiss the bride." The priest finishes.

My husband leans in close to me and I feel his lips brush against mine before they finally rest on the side of my mouth.

It lasts one second.

And then, he parts away.


Most of the romance novels end at an alter — but Lillian's story starts at one.

Being married to the alleged bachelor James Clark was not something Lillian Vince signed up for when she decided to visit her parents one afternoon, right after her college classes ended.

Yet, life had been waiting to spring this surprise on her.

She could have said no, but her parents' tears were all she considered before agreeing, despite her brain screaming a big no.

James is anything but an ideal husband. He left the responsibility of finding a way to end the engagement before it even happened on her. But, despite every effort, she walks down the aisle.

The problem? There's no agreement that says they can break their marriage off. It's a lifetime deal.

Being trapped into this marriage, follow Lillian's story towards emancipation.

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