October 6th, 2014

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October 6th, 2014 (Age: 17)

Gon knocked on Killua's door and waited for a response. After a minute of waiting, he rolled his eyes, opening the doors and looking around. A soft glow shrouded the room, a warm breeze pushing the sheer curtains in an almost water like motion. Gon's eyes fell onto a bed pressed up against the center of the wall, window above, casting a warm glow inside the room. White locks peeking out of the pastel covers absorbed the light, causing them to have a subtle orange tint.

"Killua," Gon whispered only to watch as the sheets shift, moving up to cover his friend's white hair. Laughing inwardly, he crept across the room and crouched beside the head of the bed to see Killua's forehead just barely peeking out of the covers. "Killua, you gotta get up," he said as he pulled down the covers, watching as bright blue eyes fluttered open and looked at him with a slight haziness— white eyebrows frowning as he squinted from the light.

Staring at each other for a few seconds, Gon reached out and pulled the covers down to reveal the rest of Killua's face, earning a not so impressed look from the other.

Gon leaned over the other, whispering into his ear. "Come on Killua, you need to get up."

A shiver ghosted over Killua's body at the feel of Gon's hot breath by his ear. "I don't wanna get up yet. Beds are so fucking comfortable," Killua mumbled before reaching to pull the sheets back up, trying his best to snuggle back into the covers. He had just come to realize how great sleep was— like hell he was gonna get up.

Humming, Gon gripped the sheets tighter and smirked as Killua whined for a few more seconds before giving up and just glaring at him. "I'd let you sleep if we didn't have to scour the island for your house."

Rolling his eyes, Killua finally sat up, running a hand through his hair to get his bangs in some sort of order, "We don't have to look over the whole island. It's an apartment in a building by the school." A quick yawn. "Somewhere by the entrance." Killua stretched, the huge sweater Gon had given him falling off his shoulder at the action.

Moving to sit slightly behind Killua, he hummed, resting his chin on the exposed shoulder, taking in its warmth. "Well, that gives us more time to get you settled in. We do have school tomorrow."

"What day is it today?" Killua questioned, leaning more into Gon, who moved to wrap an arm around Killua's waist.

"Monday the 6th. But it's apart of the long weekend, so I don't have school."

"Good." Killua opened his mouth to speak more but was interrupted by his own stomach, letting out a small growl.

Laughing at the noise and watching the slight bloom of pink on Killua's cheeks, Gon let go of Killua and stood up, offering a hand to Killua. "Yeah, sounds like you could use some food."

Taking the hand, Killua stood up and allowed Gon to drag him out of the room and down the stairs, trying his best not to trip over the huge sweatpants Gon had given him to sleep in.

Finally, they were at the bottom of the stairs, only to be greeted with monstrous plates of food, which just caused them to both drools a little.

"Good, you're both up. I was about to go around and start banging pots," Mito smiled as she wiped her hands on a towel. "Now eat up before it gets too cold."

Both of them sat down, Gon instantly shoving food into his mouth, while Killua just stared in amazement, not sure on where to even begin eating. "T-thank you for the food," he said to Mito, who just shook her head while smiling, taking a seat at one of the ends of the tables.

"No problem, dear. Now eat it up before this absolute boar consumes the whole table,"

"Hey," Gon whined through a mouth of food, making the others laugh.

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