Weird Feeling

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☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆ started a group chat

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆ invited $RougeTheSexyJewelTheif$, XShadowTheUltimateBadassX, SonicTheBluBlurredWolf, ArmordArcher, Jackass×Jasper, Fleetway_The_Floating_Physco, ScourgeTheMFKing, _SilverTheTelekiniticGeek_, ♡AmyTheAssassin♡, DarkOfDaylight, ~PowerfulViola~, Harminal_Harm, YoungTailsTheGenius, ×BlazeQueen×, and KuncklesTheEmeraldGuardian to the chat

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: fuck u guys

~PowerfulViola~: wut happened?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: nothing

Jackass×Jasper: then y?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: I don't know, I'm just in a bad mood

SonicTheBluBlurredWolf: from wut?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: perverts

ArmordArcher: wut happened now?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: nearly got raped, but I fought 'em off

$RougeTheSexyJewelTheif$: good

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: That's not the prob

XShadowTheUltimateBadassX: then wut is?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: i think they triggered something. Now, I get tired easily and I can't use half of my powers. I' do I put this...I get very...needy

KnucklesTheEmeraldGuardian: wut do u mean 'needy'

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: Idk, I don't understand it myself. I guess another definition I could use is...desperate? Like I said, Idk

♡AmyTheAssassin♡: desperate? For wut?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: I don't know...attention? Distraction 2 get my mind off that moment? No clue

×BlazeQueen×: well, wut do you feel?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: like...I want 2 be close 2 somebody for protection. Idk who, but it's a male

YoungTailsTheGenius: sounds like u have a crush

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: I don't have a crush. If I did, I would know who

ScourgeTheMFGKing: maybe u r...dependant

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: that's imposs. Not once have I felt I need to depend on someone

Harminal_Harm: well, how do u feel around us?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: ok. When I'm near the girls, I feel like partying 4 weeks without stopping. Sonic, like I need to protect him. Shadow, like I wanna race with motorbikes with him. Scourge, like I wanna practice shooting. Silver, practice with powers. Knuckles, fight for fun. Fleet, pull pranks. Meph, also fight for fun. Jasp, punch him in the gut. Tails, invent shtuff. And i...

ArmordArcher: like u wut?

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: i-I don't know...

SonicTheBluBlurredWolf: I see wuts goin' on~

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: wut?

SonicTheBluBlurredWolf: 👉💖👦

SymphTheDimondWolf: WUT!? NO, NO, NO I DONT!

SonicTheBluBlurredWolf: Symph, I'm upstairs and I can see ur face. U agree, don't u?~

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆: no no no no no no no and more NO!!! I'm leaving, bye!

☆SymphTheDimondWolf☆ left the chat


SonicTheBluBlurredWolf: hehehe~ BLACKMAIL!!!

SonicTheBluBlurredWolf left the chat ------------------------------------------------------

_SilverTheTelekiniticGeek_: since we have no clue wut happened, lets just leave

$RougeTheSexyJewelTheif$, XShadowTheUltimateBadassX, ArmordArcher, Jackass×Jasper, Fleetway_The_Floating_Physco, ScourgeTheMFKing, _SilverTheTelekiniticGeek_, ♡AmyTheAssassin♡, DarkOfDaylight, ~PowerfulViola~, Harminal_Harm, YoungTailsTheGenius, ×BlazeQueen×, and KuncklesTheEmeraldGaurdian left the chat

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