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  "You know who that money belongs to." The voice stops me in my tracks halfway up the stairs to my tiny bedroom. The voice belonged to my father, a old drunken hag who worked minimally and survived off of money from his various girlfriends and his daughter's paycheck. The few money I did have would come from my job at the diner down the street, if I was smart enough to deposit it before I got home.
  Occasionally, on pay days like today, it was pouring outside, and I really was not in the mood to walk the eight extra blocks in the rain just to deposit the 75$ in the bank., so I had just prayed and prayed that dad would be passed out drunk nut no such look tonight.
  "But I worked for this..." I whine and turn slowly around. He was wearing nothing but a white tank top and a pair of gym shorts, a bottle of beer held in his right hand. He raises an eyebrow, I knew that nothing I did, or said, would keep him from getting this money. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face, cringing I wipe them and look away.
  "You're such a puss, its not that hard just walk over here bitch." Dad took a swig from the bottle and held out his left hand open. Putting one foot in front of the other i cautiously inch towards him. "Maybe if your mother wouldn't have gotten pregnant you wouldn't half to do this." He laughs at his own joke that makes no sense whatsoever.
  I wipe my tears again and reach into my back pocket for the money, and place it in his open hand. He drinks and laughs again, pocketing the money. With his empty hand, he quickly whips it across my face. It burned like hell, I should really be used to it be know as it happened maybe every other day. What was affection i this apartment? Nah, we only have punches and slaps, not the nice kind either.
  "Maybe if you worked you could buy more alcohol and keep a girlfriend for once." I whisper, starting to turn back around, praying he didn't hear me. He burps.
  "Don't feel like it. And women are only meant for sex and work, why would I need one if I have you?" I clench my fists and continue walking. This was how it was almost every night, he'd take all the money I had, throw a punch or two to let out his rage, make crude comments, and i was on my way. I had almost no doubts that this wasn't like how other families spent their time.
  For once I wouldn't mind having some spare change, and coming home to nobody but my own empty apartment, and maybe a cat. It wouldn't take much.. If I just left and bought a hotel room for a couple nights until I found some where else to stay? ..Why wouldn't I just do it? I need no human being in my life other than myself so maybe i should go for it?
  Thinking quickly, i grab my old backpack off of my chair and start stuffing everything I owned into it. Books, chargers, paper, pencils and my small succulent. Into the tiny child suitcase shirts, shoes, jackets and pants went. I could actually do this? I owned next to nothing, and if I could just sneak out then it'd be okay. Im 19, Im old enough to live on my own. I'm not waiting then. I fling the door to my bedroom, ready to leave all of the sleepless nights, tears and pain behind me in this shit hole of an apartment. Anywhere but here is home.
  Dad was still sitting on the couch, a now empty bottle sat next to him as he reached for a new one in the mini fridge next to him. From where I walked, I could smell the alcohol. For the second time tonight, I prayed to an upper being that maybe he'd be to drunk and stoned out of his mind to notice me leaving with two full bags.
  "Where are you going?" I bite my lip as I turn to him.
  "Leaving." Was all I could say as I quickly headed to the door. He was immediately behind me, yanking my wrist to face him. Amazing that a man about 200 pounds overweight could still move so fast. Next thing I knew there was a piercing smash and my vision went blurry and broken pieces of glass landed all around me. He was yelling something into my right ear, so loud that everything was ringing.
  I shake my head and stumble forward. A icy hot stream of something was coming from my forehead and going into my eye. Tears came quicker than anything else as I punched and kicked. Though this overweight man could move surprisingly fast, he somehow wasn't stronger than a 19 year old girl.
  I break away and fling open the front door, stumbling out into the open hallway of the trashy apartments and back outside. The second the cold rain hit my face I regained everything and took off running. Laughing, I can't help but feel like I was starting again. There was nothing he could do, I was 19 and out of school I didn't have to ever see him again. I could move hours away or even across the world for all I car, I was a new person now. I laugh again.
  My laughter ends quickly when I hit a solid surface and fall flat on my ass. I look up to see a stocky figure reach down to my wrists. It wasn't Dad, it was to tall. Oh shit maybe I should have left at a different time. Nighttime streets of Daegu are not the safest place. I scream and try and kick myself away from the person.
  "Why is a pretty lady out at this time?" i spit and try to back up only to see that there were two other men behind me.
  "How old you think?" One of them behind me says. I start to panic and scream again, hoping that someone who wasn't a creeper was nearby. So much for living a new life huh?
  "Twenty one?" I was yanked up and the bag was pulled from my back. I kick outwards into a guys crotch. His reaction was actually rather amusing, but it was met with a quick jab into the stomach from the one holding me.
  "Hey? What are you doing?" Im met with a new voice coming from a figure who had just rounded the corner. He was wearing nothing but black sweatpants and a white t shirt. A gym bag was slung over his shoulder. Instantly, I felt the three other men disappear down an alleyway, leaving me and white shirt guy to stare at each other in the rain.
  "...Aaare you okay?" I nod and wipe the blood and tears from my face. White t shirt guy walked closer till we're at a normal distance apart from each other. "But you're bleeding are you sure?" he tentatively reaches out to the gash on my forehead that was mysteriously caused by my dad. I flinch away from his touch.
"I'm fine, can you tell me where a cheap hotel is that i could stay for a week or so until I can buy an apartment." I ask, hoping that he was a local. He laughs.
"We're in Daegu everything is expensive... You look like you've just run away from home, why do you need such a cheap hotel?' He laughs again, cocking his head. I bite my lip and look away. Realization must hit him pretty quick. "Oh. OH. Its okay! Do you want to stay with me? I live just above the dance studio there, i have an extra room?"
  It was surprising to see how quickly this man I had never met before offered me his to live in his house. At this point, I was expecting to see dad roll around the corner looking for me at any second and it was getting pretty cold outside. I nod, almost reluctantly. White t shirt guy smiles a big smile, revealing a slightly crooked front tooth.
  "Im Kim Ji Won by the way... Everyone calls me Bobby though," He motions for me to follow him. I follow him through a small door and up a set of stairs, at the end of the hall is a door labeled 301.
  Can't believe I'm doing this.
  "Don't worry! I'm not going to kill you!" He laughs.

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