cool cat in town

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A/N: So, my friend and I have had this idea for a few years, now. The concept was of Captain America and Iron Man having daughters, who turn out as friends as their fathers are...more or less so. Sarah Josephine Rogers belongs to me, while Madeline Stark belongs to my friend. I also wrote a one-shot, Alias, but this is the revamped (reboot? lol) version. This spans out with pre-Avengers, the events, and a bit after. If I feel it enough, I may write an origin/Avenger story from Maddy Stark's POV! (I'm not sure yet, though, because she's not my character.) Please, enjoy this! Apologies in advance for any spelling/grammar mistakes, as Google Docs can be frustrating!

Title comes from A Cool Cat in Town by Tape Five.

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Sarah Josephine Carter was born in 1946, roughly nine months after V-E Day. She was named after her paternal grandparents, which was also a nod to her father. Her mother would have given Sarah the same surname as them, but Carter was for the best during the time.

Sarah Josephine Carter was born to Margaret Carter; her father unknown. Well, that wasn't exactly true. Sarah's mother and those closest to her knew who Sarah's father was, but it was better that the world did not know who he was. It was to protect Sarah, and the girl knew that from a very young age.

Sarah knew that it was hard for her mother to raise her. After all, a single mother who had a child out of wedlock in the time Sarah was born was not accepted by many in society. Sarah knew that her mother faced much scrutiny in everywhere she went. Sarah, too, had faced much scrutiny. Many mothers forbade their children from playing with Sarah if they had known she was born out of wedlock. Sarah did have some friends, but it had made her sad when she was younger because she really had no one to play with. Looking back, what hurt Sarah the most was when her peers had put it together and had started both, gossip and target Sarah.

The bullying had gotten worse when Sarah was around eleven or twelve, but it wasn't for her parentage, it was for something else entirely. Something she was born with. This is a story for another time.

It wasn't fair, Sarah knew. She couldn't help that she was brought into the world in unique circumstances, and Sarah was positive that her father loved her mother, and would have married her if he could have. It wasn't fair to be targeted for being different, but she couldn't change that.

Anyway, it wasn't like Sarah had a miserable life. She didn't. In fact, she loved her childhood. She had her mother, who was both amazing and a badass both on and off the field. Her stepfather was extraordinary, raising Sarah as her own even when he and her mother started having children of their own. Daniel Sousa never made her feel out of place, and Sarah is proud to say that he was her father, no matter what the relation was.

Sarah had more than just her mother, stepfather, and younger siblings. She had loads of uncles, like Uncle Howard and Uncle Dum Dum. Howard had spoiled her like she was his own child, and Dum Dum with loads of other men (the Commandos) were a lot of fun. They all told her plenty of stories about her father. There was also Aunt Angie, who was her mother's best friend and was very fun to be around. There was also Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, who doted on Sarah. Sarah could also remember an older man, whose lap she sat on and he would tell her stories as well. He died almost ten years after Sarah was born, but Sarah loved that old man.

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The first fourteen years of Sarah's life was not bad at all, even in her time. Yes, she had trouble fitting in but with her loved ones supporting her, she was fine.

However, it did not mean that Sarah found herself in trouble a lot. She didn't mean to, she just stood her ground. The few friends she did have, the underdogs, she defended. Even strangers, she would defend. No one deserved to be picked on, and those with the loud mouths should not be tolerated.

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