Chapter 2

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Hours of the day began to fly, everything particularly easy as usual and I had absolute no patience by the end of it, because suddenly I was now Jason's therapist.

I.e. his girlfriend broke up with him and he is in denial

But in all honesty I never really liked her anyway, she always treated him like a human shopping cart and tempted him into smoking, i was surprised she wasn't considered one of the Freak Show's. As much I had attempted to address the situation, he never listen and often snapped at me. So, eventually I just allowed him to make his own choices and hoped he didn't do anything too ignorant.

Although I would never tell Jason, I was glad she finally got bored of him.

Jason and I were walking to the track bleachers, waiting for Tessa to get out of her Student Council meeting, as he continuously ranted about his current problem, clearly attempting, yet failing miserably, to  hold back his frustration.

"I can't believe that bit-"

"Language." I reminded him, a cross expression rising to my face.

"You don't get it, your girlfriend is the definition of perfect, she would never dump you without at least giving you a reason first." Jason sighed, slumping against the wall with cigarette sticking out of his mouth.

"Well if your going to be that butthurt over it, show her that you're better off without her." I trailed off crossing my arms.

"And how do you expect me to do that?"

"Well we start with this-" I stated, ripping the cigarette out of his mouth and chucking it to the nearest trash can. "-and you're already halfway there."

"What the he-"


"Oh for the love of god, fine, I'll try to stop smoking, happy?" Jason sighed once again as he rose his hands up in defense.

"Very" I smirked.

"But this doesn't make me any more at ease about it, I'm never  going to see her again anyway, heard she planned on dropping out." He looked down to the scarred silver metal that rested under the soles of our shoes.

"Come on, perk up, on the bright side you won't have to worry about any awkward run ins with her right?" I said with a nervous smile on my face.


The two of us snap our heads in the direction of the borderline scream, to see Tessa thrashing her hands around in the air, attempting to get our attention. She looked exhausted from running across the track field at full speed. Once she reached the bleachers, she had to place her hands on her knees to catch her breath, as she held up one finger, signalling that she needed a minute. After a minute had passed, she snapped her head up at us with a wide close eyed smile expressed on her lips.

"Ready to go?" She asked calmly.

Jason and I made awkward eye contact expressing our concern before looking back at Tessa and as I slowly nodded my head.

"Coolio, let's go then." She stated gleefully, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me to her dark red Camaro. Jason waved us a slow 'goodbye' before crossing to the other side of the parking lot, heading  to his own car with his heading hanging a bit lower than usual.

When Tessa opened the passenger side door, my head spun away from Jason to see her holding the door open, gesturing for me to take my seat with her usual bright smile presented on her face. I sighed lightly and shook my head, "You know I should be doing these things for you, right?"

Tessa began to laugh hysterically before abruptly stopping, her smile wiping off her face, and harshly pointing to the the padded leather seat. I nervously smiled back at her and slowly, yet hesitantly, claimed the passenger side seat. Tessa placed a fake expression of of gratitude before slamming the car door in my face. Directly afterward, she plopped herself into the drivers seat, not taking a moment to check if I had my seatbelt secured before she pulled out of her parking spot and sped down the road.
The ride was peaceful, yet mildly awkward for me as Tessa cranked up a bunch of popular music, that in my personal opinion was complete garbage, and yelled along with it, the windows rolled down and all.
Due to my girlfriend's reckless driving, my house was soon presented in front of me in less than five minutes flat. I quickly smiled gratefully to Tessa, placing a swift kiss on her cheek and waltzing into my home, watching her pull out of the driveway just as briskly as before.

"LIAM!" My younger sister screamed 

After a few minutes of Tessa's reckless driving, we quickly arrived in the cemented driveway of my home. I quickly leaned over the consol of her car and placed a loving kiss on her cheek before I slinging my back pack over my right shoulder and hopping off of the leather seat and treaded to my front door as Tessa backed out of the driveway.

I waved lightly at her and retreated into my home, immediately being clung to by my younger sister, Zöe. "LIAM!!! MOM AND I MADE PANCAKES FOR DINNER, DO YOU WANT TO TRY SOME OF MINE?!" She screeched, giving me her her sad puppy eyes that I laughed at, offering a small nod. She quickly beamed at my response and shoved a plate into my hands, forcing me into my place in the dining room, joining my parents who were also being forced into having pancakes as their choice of meal. Zöe ripped my school bag away and hung it next to her own, impatiently awaiting my response on her excellently prepared pancakes. After cutting a small bit off of my stack and shoving the bite sized chunk of the light, foamy bread like texture into my mouth as I gave Zöe a quick thumbs up. Her smile grew incredibly quick and she briskly hugged me, moving to her own seat next to mine.

My family and I had witty yet kind banter for hours over sugary pancakes and sweetened iced tea. Smiles were tossed left and right followed by laughter. After we had all excused our selves, my Dad helped my younger sister place dishes into the sink and extra pancakes into the fridge and my Mom began to finish her lesson plan for her college classthe next day. Then there was me, laying out on my bed exhausted from school and hours of pancake eating.

I sighed with content, gazing up to my white ceiling as my small female Calico cat, Petra, brushed her tail across my cheek, snuggling up to my face and falling asleep, causing me to drift off quickly next to her, listening to the peaceful sound of nightly wind and a singular ear pericing scream.

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