Chapter 7

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These past two months have been incredibly progressive, not only have I been able to develop mild control over my unique ability and fear of the demonic flashes, as Sonja would put it, but I've also been able to formulate thorough relationships with a few of my fellow Grimelkin. Yes, I do in fact refer to myself as a Grimelkin now, despite my previous hesitation.

Due to training with Rose, more often than anyone else because she almost never leaves the training gym, the two of us have grown relatively close, and she has helped me learn to control my abilities with her understanding and kind personality, no doubt sprouting from her familiar taming experience. As for Josh and I, we are usually good lunch buddies, but we haven't become any closer than that since every time that I try to talk to him, he stutters and runs away. Lastly, there is me and the one and only Sonja Cuevas. Some would never expect it, but she and I have grown to become incredible friends, I trust her completely, and we share a lot of information with one another. When I say information, I mean me complaining about Tessa being extremely whiny lately or Sonja talking about how easy the exams were, nothing too personal. I have noticed her desire to avoid any conversation involving her unique abilities.

My old closest friends, Jason and Tessa, have sort of started blowing me off more often than not. Jason has moved on to the next toxic girl to claim as his, and Tessa adopted a new puppy and seemed to be more concerned with him than me. Before, she seemed always to be begging me to come over, and I usually would, but sometimes I would be busy training, and she would end up beyond agitated, which I found incredibly annoying.

This would bring me to the present day and hour. Currently, I am hanging out with Rose in our usual corner of the training gym, as she began to show off more of the tricks Patrick has been learning using my ability to morph the shape of the earth below him. He adorably hobbled up the small hill I formed, growing a miniature tree at the top.

"Aww, Patrick you are doing so well." Rose giggled, giving her familiar a small applause. I also laughed along with her and gave Patrick a microscopic high five with the tip of my finger.

Suddenly, the doors to the gym swung open, and Sonja waltzed in with two small pistols in her palms. She didn't bother to make any conversation with the two of us, just nodded and continued on her way to the small glass chamber in the corner of the room. That chamber I have become relatively familiar with, as it simulates attacking enemies that I used to learn to control my abilities. I began to think that I could get a chance to see Sonja's unique skill, but I was extremely shocked when she cocked both of the guns and began to gracefully fire at every enemy charging at her with difficulty meter cranked all the way up. All of the pixelated human beings disintegrated into small, orange particles with each bullet that struck them.

My eyes widened with astonishment; I had no idea Sonja was capable of such things. I assumed she was skilled in combat, but not this experienced. She was able to complete the highest difficulty in less than two minutes, whereas I could finish the easiest in five.

"Incredible, right?"

I yelped a small bit as Rose had suddenly appeared behind me, Patrick standing on her shoulder as he mocked her smug stance. "Sonja has always been this way, never revealing her special ability, but more than capable without it. I am honestly kind of jealous of it, she's only five foot two, could weigh no more than one hundred and ten pounds, and I think she is skilled enough to take down all of my familiars at once." She sighed, shaking her head with a small smile on her lips.

"Wait, no one here knows what her unique ability is?" I questioned, somewhat shocked.

"Nope, no one, not me, not you, not even Josh who had known Sonja even before the two of them became Grimelkin." She mused.

I began to ponder on how odd it was, if I were her, I would embrace my ability immediately and learn to control it, not want almost nothing to do with it. Sonja never struck me as the humble type, but now that I think about it, I've never seen her train before either, meaning she probably tries to do so when there are the least amount of people within the gym. As I began to sink deeper into thought, a confident, yet monotone, voice snapped me out of it.

"Now, if you two are done staring, it's time for lunch," Sonja stated waltzing past the two of us with her pistols popped back into two small holsters strapped to her black, leather belt.

Rose and I looked at each other slightly startled but laughed it off anyway and followed closely behind Sonja until we reached a large group of other Grimelkin that were traveling back to our hometown for a small lunch break. Everyone seemed to have tire from the lack of colors, other than orange, black and red, so we all collectively decided that we should take a break from the same old surroundings. The apparent council, which I have yet to see and or meet them, had approved of it according to Sonja, so here we are, at a Taco Bell.

After we had all ordered and received our food, except Sonja, who harshly insisted that she was not hungry, we all took our seats in various spots amongst the few other people in the building. Rose, Josh, Sonja, and I all decided to sit together once again in the farthest corner from the crowd. As Josh scooted shyly away from me, and Rose filled the area with her joyful laughter, I began to realize how lucky I am that this curse had been placed upon me. Sonja started to give me a sly grin out of the corner of her eye, well as much of a smile the Sonja of all people could offer as if she read my thoughts. All was calm.

Keyword: was

Suddenly the building that was once filled with color and the sweet smell of Mexican cuisine flickered out, now scented with rotting corpse and covered with a potent shade of black. I expected it just to be another demonic flash, but instead, I was joined by every Grimelkin in the room still standing instead of changing into a ghostly or demonic form.

"Uhm, guys, is this normal?" I questioned the three standing up behind me as we all let our gazes sweep the room.

"Not even close," Sonja responded as pulled out the hidden pistols that were previously tucked away in their holsters. She cocked them backward and held her breath, taking in the silent atmosphere. Josh, Rose, and I all followed her influence. First, Josh pulled out an ocarina in his hands, prepared to use the melodies it provides to sedate any threat. Next, Rose summoned two dark wolves that began to bare their sharp canines. Lastly, I tugged a four-foot sword-shaped piece of earth directly from the ground, preparing for any combat that may take place. The rest of the Grimelkin began to follow our lead as the four of us took cautious steps out of the Taco Bell, staring up at the cloudy, lifeless red sky.

"Never would I have imagined that this curse, I had worked on for decades, would have learned to develop its own miracle," a deep electronic voice bellowed from the air as it began to thicken, "I suppose nothing will ever go as it was originally planned." As soon as their statement finished, a long string of maniacal laughter ensued, reaching every pair of Grimelkin ears.

None of us were able to process the words that had once floated through the air. Instead, we all remained stunned. I went to turn around and check how the others were doing, but by the time I did, only the four of us stayed. Twenty or more bodies laid lifeless and pale upon the harsh parking lot cement.

"S-Sonja, what happened...?" I stuttered out.

"Oh my god." Josh breathed.

"I don't know who thinks this is funny, but when I find them, I will make their life a living hell," Sonja muttered, her eyes ablaze. Rose tried to put her hands on Sonja's shoulder, however before she could, Sonja lifted her pistols to the sky, and fired every bullet in them.

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