BlackPink in Krazy's Area

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Crazy, who would had knew that it would be this hard in the music industry. Cece read Jeannie's journal in the studio.

Creeped out!


The rest of the girls walked in and stopped when they saw Cece.
Mihyeon: Are you alright Cece?
Ariana: Yeah, what's wrong?
Cece frozed up... wasn't saying a single word. Just a balled up fist and a stare at the journal.
Ariana: Cece....
Cece didn't say a word and just made a B-Line toward the door. When Cece was getting ready to open it, the door burst wide opened.
Jeannie: Where are you going friend?
Lisa: Looks like someone is going somehwhere...
Mihyeon: Who do you guys want?
Jeannie: We want no problem...
Rose: Especially since it's with y'all
Ariana and Mihyeon hold Cece back as she was trying to fight them.
Lisa:Ohh look like someone is mad...
Cece: Die slow mothaf***!!!
Lisa: Fight me b***!!!!

Meanwhile at the boys dorm....

B.I: Looky looky, it's behind the scene... trying to be all bad
Namjoon: Ain't nobody is trying to be like y'all booty hustlers
BTS burst into laughter; an inside joke.
Junhoe:Guess what (pushes Namjoon) you bustas better not mess us up.
Taehyun: Y'all and what army?
[Get it? Army! Hehe sorry, only BTS fans understands, back into the story]
Bobby: You're gonna find out in a few minute
J-Hope: Please, we're bulletproof!
[Okay okay! I'm sorry with the jokes, sorry BTS Army understands]
Ikon started walking towards BTS as BTS did the same.
Jeannie: I know you are not about to touch them.
BlackPink started rushing BTS as Ikon smirked at them.
Cece: B**** I wish you would!
Krazy started walking to Ikon and BlackPink as BTS smiled at them.
Jinhwan: Do you guys really want this problem??
Ariana: Y'all started the crap!

It was silence.

But then.

Without a word.
BTS and Krazy started punching Ikon and BlackPink. It was nothing but brawl between the four groups.
They kept on fighting.
Manager: Unless you guys don't want to be fired, stop or right now or else!!
They stopped.
Manager: You guys been at it for about four months now. I want you all to go into y'all dorms and go to bed for tommorrow's show
The groups split and went on to their dorms.

(Krazy's POV)
Krazy was getting ready to eat until Mihyeon told them some news.
Mihyeon: You guys, BlackPink is still at us again, they made a video dissing us, look

Krazy had watched the video.

Ariana: They just can't quit huh?...
Cece: Quit? They are just a bunch of...
Mihyeon: Scrubs

The girls just sat and had a lot of thoughts in their mind. And the situation did not make it better because they are gonna have to perform with them on tommorrow's show at the MAMA.

Mihyeon: Okay, how about we just not put up with them. Let's just ignore them because that's what they want
Cece: Man f*** that!

Cece had stood up and looked at them.

Cece: They want a battle, then fine, we'll give them a battle. You know I'm tired of them trying to control with their "BlackPink in your area", but people look at them like they are sweet and sh*t.... but let us do the same, we are the bad guys....... you feel me?!?!

Mihyeon and Ariana just sat there, listening to Cece with nothing but tears coming down. The girls had these bawled up emotions in them they didn't know what to do.

(BlackPink's POV)
Lisa: Do you think we got them now?
Jeannie: Hell yeah!~

Lisa, Jeannie, and Rose laughed and made jokes about them.
But there was still one person who didn't like the feeling of that in the group....

Jisoo: I think we was too harsh on them...
Rose: Jisoo, snap out of it!
Jisoo: No!

Jisoo walked upstairs, into her room, slammed the door and called Cece because Cece was the only person she knew when she was a child.

Cece: Hello?
Jisoo: Cece? Are you alone?
Cece: Yeah...
Jisoo: I don't like this... I'm sorry that they did this to you guys
Cece: I know you didn't know better, as always, but they are ruining our fanbase
Jisoo: I know, I'm sorry baby

Cece yelled in a quiet voice; annoyed.

Cece: Stop calling me baby!

Jisoo laughed a little.

Jisoo: Well see you at the-

Jisoo heared her door being blocked. Jisoo tried to open the door but it wouldn't open.

Jisoo: Cece....

Cece didn't answer.

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