Chapter 12 (Long time no see)

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Igneel and Nova (10 votes)
Igneel and Sylvia (1 vote)
Rin and Nova (0 votes)
Storm and Nashi (11 votes)
Storm and Gale
(0 votes)
Simon and Nashi
(0 votes)
Simon and Gale (6 votes)

Rin and ???
(Not taken)
Sylvia and ???
(Not taken)

Narrator's P.O.V:

Nashi got all of her stuff ready to go, as her heart was pounding. Not because of how scared she was, her heart was filled with sadness. Nashi had to say goodbye to the Cerberus girls she didn't want to leave them after all the years she spent with them. 

Nashi laid her stuff on the ground getting ready to leave, she looked back at the three girls. She started to tear up again as she ran and hugged all three of them at once. Yulia cringed at the hug, while Lilia and Zelia gladly hugged the pinkette back. Nashi finally lets go of them all.

"Yulia, I want to thank you for training me through all these years. Teaching me how to be strong through my tough times, and especially how to scare the shit out of people. I learned so much from you, my strength basically doubled since our training started. You taught me that pain isn't always a bad thing" Nashi smiled at Yulia.

"Stop it you shit head, you're gonna make me cry" Yulia held back her tears.

Nashi laughed and tightly hugged Yulia, this time Yulia hugging her back tightly. As they parted, Nashi looked at Lilia.

"Lilia, thank you for teaching me how to be emotionally strong over the years. You were there for me when I was having my anxiety attacks or my emotional breakdowns. I learned that my emotions shouldn't be buried instead talked about. You taught me that talking with people isn't such a bad thing" Nashi beamed, looking at Lilia.

"Nashi... I'm going to miss you so much!" Lilia hugged Nashi again.

Nashi wrapped her arms around Lilia, as they stood there for a moment or two before parting ways. Nashi glanced over at Zelia.

"And Zelia... The know it all who taught me everything I ever needed to know from the very beginning, from my magic to potions, and so much more. I want to thank you for healing me in my bad state I was in, you got rid of my ugly scars both inside and out. You taught me that being a nerd is a wonderful thing" Nashi held her tears in. 

Zelia didn't respond instead she just hugged Nashi lifelessly, Nashi laughed and hugged her back tightly. The two parted away.

Nashi picking up her bag and wrapping it around her shoulder. She smiled at the Cerberus girls one more time before turning around and walking to the train station with everybody else. Once out of view, Nashi let a few tears run down her face. Igneel frowned seeing Nashi so upset, but Casper shook his head telling him not to say anything. 

Igneel didn't say anything and kept walking beside Nashi. Nova beside Igneel, as she softly rested her head on Igneel's arm. As she held in her tears as well, she was overwhelmed by everything that she just started to crumble. Igneel wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her head. Nova blushed at his actions and softly wrapped her arm around his. Igneel smiled and kept walking along with everybody else. 


They got to the train station, as Igneel looked at the train in pure disgust. Nashi didn't seem phased however and simply got on the train. Simon and Rosemary followed Nashi on the train, Nova having to pull and yank Igneel onto the train. Luna and Luke helping Nova. Luke gave up and got onto the train. Simon and Rosemary sat across from Nashi, Nashi sat by the window looking outside. Rosemary sitting by the aisle, as Simon sat next to her. Luke sat down on the aisle across from Rosemary. Luna sitting down next to Simon and across from Nashi, as Igneel finally made his way onto the train and sat down next to Nashi, with Nova sitting next to Igneel. 

The train started to move, and Nashi wasn't phased at all. But Igneel whined in pain as his stomach knotted and he just felt awful. Nova let Igneel lay his head on her lap, as Nova softly started to play with Igneel's blonde hair. Nashi ignored everybody and kept looking outside. 

Once the train finally arrived, Igneel wasn't moving at all. Nashi got her bag and walked off the train and waited outside for everybody. Simon was the next to get off with Rosemary tagging along with her big brother. Luke and Luna hopped off the train next and stood next to Nashi. Igneel finally stood up on the train, as Nova led him off the train laughing softly to herself. 

Igneel got off the train, trying to get his stomach to recover from the painful ride here. Nova holding his hand to comfort him a little bit. Nashi looked at the two and smirked to herself as she softly shook her head. 

"What lovebirds" she whispered.

Igneel's sharp ears picked up on Nashi's soft voice, as he glared at her darkly. Nashi wasn't phased as she simply rolled her eyes. Luke took her hand and smiled up at her, Nashi gave him a sweet smile in return. Simon started to walk back to Fairy Tail with Rosemary skipping alongside him, Nashi followed after him with Luke. Luna looked at Igneel and Nova before walking ahead as well. Nova walked beside Igneel as they silently walked back to Fairy Tail.

As they got closer to the building, Nashi's nervousness got worse as they approached the building. She kept her nerves to herself as she kept walking, looking perfectly calm on the outside but freaking out completely on the inside. Simon stopped in front of the grand building and looked back at Nashi. 

Meanwhile, Storm was inside as he felt an overwhelming magic power like he did that one day ten years ago. Everybody else could feel the new but familiar magic power, it was overwhelmingly huge compared to everybody else's. Storm got out of his seat and quickly bolted out of the guild door, hoping and praying that this presence was the same as he thought it was. Out of the doors, he spotted Nashi and froze in place completely. 

Nashi was looking down at Luke smiling, but when she felt the same magic presence as she knew as her childhood crush she froze. Storm was heavily breathing upon seeing her, as Nashi slowly started to look up and spot Storm standing there looking straight at her. Their eyes connected perfectly like a puzzle. 

"Long time no see" Storm whispered to her. 


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