Chapter 28 (I'm here for you)

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Narrator's P.O.V:

"Please stay" Storm whispered. 

Nashi lifted her head to look at Storm, curiosity glossing over her beautiful brown eyes. Storm raised his head slightly to look Nashi in the eyes. But something inside of him was stopping him from saying anything like his heart was just stopped. 

"If you want me to stay... I will" Nashi whispered carefully.

Storm couldn't bring himself to say anything so he just pulled Nashi inside, Nashi followed him around the apartment as Storm let go of her hand and sat on the couch hiding his face in his hands. Nashi slowly approached the couch and softly sat next to Storm, about to say something but instead reached to rub his back. But Storm quickly flipped around and pulled Nashi into a tight hug. 

Storm had wrapped his arms around Nashi's neck, and Nashi awkwardly brought her arms up to softly wrap around his torso. Storm nuzzled his face into Nashi's neck sweetly, as Nashi blushed madly at this bold action of his. Nashi's mind started to go crazy with all of this. Nashi's eyes were open wide with shock and hope. Nashi was just hoping that this was a sign that Storm had feelings for her too. But Nashi was too nervous to even say a word about the topic, as was Storm.

*What is happening?! Say something Nashi! Say it! Now! What can't I speak?! THIS IS A PERFECT TIME NOW SPEAKKK!!!* Nashi cursed inside her mind.

While Storm was having the same thinking, only a little more serious.

*Come on Storm say it, she held your hand like it was nothing... That has to mean something, now just go for it. But why can't I say something... Why won't she say something, this is driving me nuts* Storm thought.

Finally one of them had to the guts to speak...

"Nashi, thank you" Storm whispered, his heart feeling like it was about to burst it was beating so rapidly. 

"W-Wha" Nashi's heart was beating so fast it wouldn't allow her to speak.

Storm could feel her beating heart against his chest, he smiled knowing that he wasn't the only one. Storm and Nashi's hearts started to beat in unison. 

"For coming back into my life... And smacking some damn sense into me" Storm chuckled softly.

"Anything for you Storm" Nashi's voice was shaky.

Storm softly pulled Nashi out of the hug and looked into her eyes as he gave her that prince charming smile once again, as he started to cry softly. This times his tears weren't out of sadness but out of pure joy. Storm loved to be around Nashi... Alone. Where nobody could interrupt them, he just loved the feeling that they hopefully shared. 

Nashi could feel this connection to Storm, and suddenly a strong want to protect him washed over her, as she didn't feel like she could control this urge she had. She would protect Storm, and nothing was going to stop her on this. 

Nashi started to remember an old thing her father told her about, that when she found the right person she would have this same feeling. Natsu explained this exact feeling to her, as Nashi was looking down remembering her father's words. 

*A strong want to protect them, a want to have them as only mine, a want to love them forever... Dear god... Storm's my mate?!* Nashi's eyes went wide with realization, as her face went completely flustered bright red. 

Storm got confused and gently placed his pointer finger underneath her chin to lift her head up to look him in the eyes. Nashi face was bright red with embarrassment, as Storm kinda started to smirk at this reaction he was getting out of her. But he didn't have a clue as to why she was acting this way.

*Why does he have to be so hot when he smirks?* Nashi cursed mentally and looked away.

Storm placed both his hands on the side of Nashi's face and forced her to look at him. Nashi blushed madly at this action, as she finally was steaming she was so flustered. 

"Why are you blushing so badly? I mean I know I'm hot and all but come on" Storm teased her

At this point Nashi yanked away from him and almost fainted and fell backward, Storm fell backward himself in a fit of laughter. Nashi covered her face with her hands as her face was steaming with embarrassment written all over her face. Storm finally sat up and looked at Nashi once again. 

He smirked darkly, and crawled on top of Nashi and just fell on top of her. Nashi hit his back and gasped for air, as she was strong enough to push him off but Storm hugged her tightly and refused to move off of her. He laughed loudly, as Nashi was whining for him to get off. Storm lifted himself off of Nashi but still on top of her. 

His arms by her head, with his legs on both sides of her. He smirked once again as he leaned down and kissed Nashi on her cheek. He fully got off of Nashi and sat up straight, Nashi sitting up straight once again. Storm softly started to wrap his arms around Nashi's waist. Nashi blush started to only heat up once again.

"You're really easy to get fluster, you know that, right?" Storm laughed softly.

"S-Shut up.. Elsa 2.0" She grumbled, biting the inside of her cheek.

"That's new" Storm chuckled.

"Storm" Nashi looked back up at him.

Storm looked down at her, "Yeah?"

"I'm always here for you never forget that, okay?" Nashi smiled sweetly.


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