The More you Hate, The More you Love

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You: *screams* WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DIARY??!!!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!! *takes the diary away from him* YOU PABO!!!

Sungmin: Wait, _____! Let me explain! Wait, that was a diary? I didn't know!!

You: STOP INVADING MY PRIVACY! Just because you have the keys to my room doesn't mean you can sneak here all the time. Why are you here?!

Sungmin: You've been ignoring me.. and this is the only way for you not to avoid me..

You: Just so you know.. *opens the door* I can get out of here anytime..

You turned around from him and opened the door. When you tried to step back, Sungmin hugged you from behind, not letting you go. You tried to do so, but he was holding you tight.

Sungmin: _____, please stop being like this..

You: L-let me go.. I don't want to see you again.

Sungmin: I'm sorry. What can I do to make you love me and care for me again?

You: You think I can let it go easily? In your dreams.. You've hurt me, you stole my first kiss.. and you read my diary. Do you think I could just forgive you?

Sungmin: That's why I'm asking you.. what can I do? I am willing to do everything.

You: Stay away from me forever. And I will act as if nothing happened.



To your surprise, tears ran down your eyes once again. This is not what you want and what you've planned. Because no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get him out of your mind.

You: I hate you! *hits his chest* I hate you!!!!

Sungmin didn't fought back, but instead he kissed you quickly, without stopping. You were so mad at him and he has to do it to keep you quiet. He was a good kisser, and you can't help yourself from kissing him back. Your tears continued to fall and he wiped it all away from your eyes. He stopped for a moment, and looked closely.

Sungmin: Stop crying, _____. *hugs you* I no longer want to see you in pain.

You: This is all your fault. I spend half of my time thinking and talking about how much I love you, and the other half wishing I had never met you...

Sungmin: Mianhae.. I don't really dislike you. In fact, I dislike myself. Because I became this way.. a jerk, a player. Right now, I deserve every karma. No matter how many times you hurt me like this, I can't get over you. No matter how many times you might treat me like dirt, like nothing, I can't stop loving you.

You: I should have said the same words.

Sungmin: But you made me realize.. that what I had become, was awful and you're the one who changed my life. Mom and dad will be home any minute now. And.. I can't stand being away from you..

You: Why can't we just get past the petty things and learn to be nicer to each other? Let's not pretend we are happy and actually be happy for once?

Sungmin: That's why I'm here. To make it up to you. And tell you three important words.

You: What?

Sungmin: *kisses you again* I love you. _____, I know you're in love with me. *smirks*

You: *press his cheeks hard* I am in love with you, pabo! Even if you were a player, a jerk.. I've fallen in love with you..

He hugged you tight and you did the same.

Sungmin: I won't promise never to hurt you, because I already did. But I am going to make my love for you last forevermore.

You: As long as you're trying, I'm staying.

Sungmin: Will you allow me to change for you and treat you like a princess like what you've stated in your diary?

You: *blushing* YA! YOU PRIVACY INVADER!!!

Sungmin: *kisses your forehead* You're mine now, _____.

You: And you are mine too.

While you were hugging each other, Sungmin's parents arrived, seeing the two of you.

Sungmin's Mom: ______? Sungmin-ah? Aigoo appa... They're so sweet!

Sungmin's Dad: Shincha?? Ya! What is the meaning of this?

Sungmin: Umma, appa.. Meet my princess, my girlfriend, and most of all.. My Cinderella. :">

Sungmin's parents were happy because of that. All they wanted was for you to end up with him and you wished for that thing to happen. Gladly it came true. Indeed, every princess deserves to be loved by a true prince. And even Sungmin was a bad boy back then, he changed from a toad to a real prince.

So that's all there is, there isn't anymore :)


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