Decisons and Kidnappings

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I wake up alone. I check the time and see it's only 7 but I still get up. I walk out to see Sherlock and John looking at the tv. They both give a concerned look. "What is it?"

I walk around and look at the tv.

"Body count is up the twelve after a fire in an apartment building, in Dagenham." The presenter goes on and on.

My mouth opens slightly at the message on the wall, 'mine, AW.'

Sherlock puts his arm around me but I move away, I get ready for work and sort out my plan.


I'm dressed in jeans and a tight top. Sherlock stands playing his violin by the window. I move over to him and put his violin down before crashing my lips into his. His shocked but returns it, moving into the window, with me pressed against him.

His hands are on my waist pulling me closer, pushing my body into his whilst our lips move in sync. He moves onto my neck and I notice Mycrofts car pull up. He gets out as Katie get to the door, we hear a knock. They talk to each other and I pull away from Sherlock.

He sees what I have done and smirks before grabbing me and pulling me into our room. "I can't. I need to get to work."

"Mycroft can wait." He pushes me into the door, which he just closed, I can feel how heated up he is and I feel the same. He lifts me up, putting one hand below me as I wrap my legs around his waist.

Our lips connect once more and only leave now and then for breath. He removes most of my clothing in a quick manner and turns off my phone to stop Mycroft from calling me. He moves back to my neck, kissing, sucking and biting gently on it. It had a certain effect on me and I push into him.

He removes his PJs and are about to get started when an explosion goes off. We both jump up and throw on clothes before running out of the flat. The building next door is crumbled to the ground but the family are standing to the side, shaken up.

The father comes over to me and says, "there was a letter for you."

"Me." He passes me a letter. I rip it open.

'My love,

I told you that you was mine.


I show it to Sherlock, "shit." He nods. "We need Mycroft." He protests but I run back in and get my things before rushing back down, throwing him his coat and scarf before getting a cab to work.


We arrive and I explain to Mycroft. He nods and says, "well, it seems we do have a problem."

I loose it, "yes we fucking know that. What are we going to do?" They both seem taken back by my outburst.

I don't get an answer so storm out and get in a cab before anyone can stop me. "Scotland Yard please." He nods and drives off.

I pay him as we arrive and go up to Greg's floor. I knock and he let's me in. "Amy."

I explain and say, "what can we do?"

"We can try to find him but shouldn't we speak to Sherlock or John."

I glare at him before throwing open his door and walking out. John, Sherlock and Mycroft come walking towards us. "My life doesn't resolve around those two. I am a person here, I don't need to consult anyone else. I can make my own decisions."

Sherlock interrupts, "yes and those decisions end up with you hurt or someone else. Even pregnant."

I punch him. He stumbles back slightly, John and the others stand their confused. I'm angry, as they can probably guess. John says, "Jesus, Amy."

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