A Pirate's Life

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Calm. Quiet. The serene tranquility of nothing but the water; a fog having settled over the none existing waves of the day. Amongst the white haze, a ship sailed, but it hardly left a disturbance in its' wake. This ship seemed to belong to a man of high status and wealth, carved from the finest wood and decored with detailed carvings that showed no imperfections. From aboard the ship, singing could be heard from two distinct voices, seemingly soft and pitched perfectly with the world around them in a somewhat eeirie way.

🎶 Drink up, me hearties, yo ho 🎶
🎶 We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot 🎶
🎶 Drink up, me hearties, yo ho 🎶

From the deck stood a young girl and boy, seeming to be around 12 or 13 years old. The girl had her brown hair in a proper english style, curled into tight trindles that fell from it's updo. She wears a dress of a color close to periwinkle blue, with white ruffles at the cuffs and collar. The sleeves were short and slightly went past her elbows and the dress seemed to be covered in an embroidery design. She held her hands together in front of her as she sang into the distance, in the direction they headed towards, a far away look on her fair, young face that held beautiful brown eyes. Beside this girl stood a boy who looked to be a bit shorter than she. Wearing a hat much simler to one's in command of an army or ship, called a tricorn. It seemed custom made just for the boy, and it seemed to cover and hide all his hair; an odd thing to do, but perhaps there was a reason.

The top half of his face was covered by a beautiful mask. Simple and held no design but it shined (F/C) in the fogged light, seeing as it wasn't made of poor materials, and his (E/C) eyes seemed to shine through the eye holes. Seemingly another oddity of the boy, but no answers as to why seemed to be apparent. He wore a dark blue shirt that had a white embroidery laced collar and cuffs. The sleeves long and going to his wrists with the shirt tight fitting. His shorts the same color as his shirt with brass colored buttons the lined the legs. His face that showed appeared to be (S/C) with slight dimples showing. He too held his hands together in front of him and sang along with the girl.

As they sang, it seemed as though the waters below responded in a gentle manner, small waves forming and brushing along the sides of the ship. As if coming to say hello in response, or perhaps to get the fair two to join the fridged liquid they passed through.

🎶 Yo ho, yo ho 🎶
🎶 A pirate's life for me 🎶
🎶We extort, we pilfer, we filch and sack 🎶
🎶 Drink up- 🎶

A large hand was placed upon the young maidens shoulder, startling her and the boy to stop singing and to look at the man that appeared behind them.

"Quiet, young'ns. Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring 'em down on us now do ya?"

The girl just looked at the man as the boy rolled his eyes in response to the somewhat gruff voice, not believing that a simple song could bring pirates around. Much less cursed ones. As if there was such a thing as a curse in the first place.

"Mr. Gibbs, that will do."

The man who startled the girl and boy, now identified as Mr. Gibbs, was stopped by a man with army clothing on and had an air of authority about him, with a man that looked of wealth following closely behind. Mr. Gibbs looked to be your everyday crew member who had side burns to his chin yet had no mustache or beared. He stood a good foot or two taller then the young duo and had a rough voice while also wearing a hat. The man who stopped Mr. Gibbs also wore a tricorn but was fit and decorated for his position in the army. He wore a blue tail coat that was open and had silver buttons and gold lining, a white vest lay underneath with golden buttons and gold lining as well. Beneath that was a shirt of some sort and a type of caveat that too was white. His face was strict and he had brown hair that curled up to the sides to meet his hat while the rest was tied back in a low ponytail.

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