Chapter Two

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Flopping down onto my white leather couch, I let out an unneeded breath of air of mental exhaustion. I was fully prepared to leave this city. Los Angeles is full of a diversity of people, who hid behind a mask of happiness and friendship that covered up the the ugliness within their hearts. All of the people I've met were selfish and fake. They spend more time in their technology than the millions of actually living beings around them. These millennials make me wish I could go back to early 1900s even more than I already did. Where females didn't walk around in clothes that barely preserved their valuables and males forget that they are suppose to protect and respect the women they come across. And nowadays I came across men who were so rude. Call me old fashioned but I feel that a women in general should wear actual shirts instead of what people call, "Croptops". I'm fine with showing a little skin but what has been invented in the 21st century is ridiculous. Its actually painful to even look at.
The sun in this area was extremely bright and irritating to my skin. I guess it was my fault for coming here but in my defense I see it as more of a visit than living here. I haven't even been here for a full year. Six months at most. When I move to Forks, it may be a permanent stay considering there I won't have to worry about too much sun or noisy people. From what I've heard, it's actually a pretty civil and quiet. And the house I've purchased is isolated from the rest of the very little population and the only time I'll have to see people is at school or at a grocery store when I need to get food.
I've already packed all my things for the move so all I have to do is confirm with my former principal that all my school record were sent to my new school. So I walked to the school that was located down the street from my house. Of course I noticed that hundreds of eyes on me as I passed by but I paid them no mind. Although I was suddenly kept from my destination at an annoyingly high pitched voice that had my sensitive eyes ringing slightly,"Eve!" I turned my body in the direct behind me in a visible annoyed look on my face. Coming face to face to a girl that make my brain cells die from sight, stood before me. "What is it, April?" I asked in a curt tone. The said girl smiled a wide well practiced smile and giggled like something was funny, causing me to internally cringe. Everything about April annoyed me. From her bleached blonde hair to her pale blue contacts that covered her natural brown eyes and mountains of make-up. April was actually really beautiful and smart but the fact that she decided to act in such a way, disgusted me. I met her a little over four months around the time I arrived at the school and I immediately took a disliking to her. I hadn't even talked to her but from the ugly green and black color of her soul, I knew she had a terrible heart. When I finally spoke to her, I was right. Her personality was awful. The obnoxiously large amount of perfume she sprayed into her every day, made me want to stay away from her even more. I didn't mind her minions since they did nothing without the say so of April. "I thought we were the cold interior already?" I rolled my eyes. The fact that she uses the word "interior" then sits in class and doesn't know the formula of slope is baffling. I guess she just enjoys pretending that she's uneducated. "Nope." I replied just as coldly as the first time. She huffed and placed a hand on her hip. "Well anyway, a little birdie told me that your would be moving soon." Now she's talking to animals. Excellent. I don't appreciate people telling my business to others that didn't need to know. My irritation level only raised at the fact that I haven't told anyone about it except the principal, who most likely announced the news to the entire office. "That is none of your concern. Now if you don't mind I have more important things to do." I told her and turned to resume my walk when April grasped my arm. "Hold on. You didn't answer my question and what's more important than me? Whatever you have to do can wait, right?" I glares at her and snatched my hand away, for my irritation limits has met it's maximum level. "A lot of things are more important than you. Like me, leaving. And if you touch me again, your hand will go mysteriously missing."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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