My Shelter

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Idea suggested by TheTommoFan
Thank you for this really cute one shot idea xx

Warning: mention of domestic violence
(There will be 2 parts to this.)

He always sat in the same place, everyday, coming into this little place always looking so down.

He came in today and I really wanted to talk to him. His face was bruised and his hair a mess. This boy wasn't okay. He needed help.

I shyly walked over to him and sat across the table.

"Hi, Louis is it?" His smile was heartfelt but it soon faded.

"Yeah. And you're Harry the over-worked bus boy." A small laugh left his mouth and then I knew I needed to step in.

"So, uh, what happened, if you don't really mind me asking you." I felt so nervous asking him because what if it was his parents who did this to him? What if he got bullied? What if he got angry? I didn't really know what to expect.

"It's my boyfriend." Boyfriend.

"Louis. Why would he do that to you?" At this point I was so concerned for him. I needed to know more about him. I saw him shrug and he tried to hold in his tears.

"It's okay Louis you can cry around me. Tell me what happened." He gave me a look and I didn't know how to decipher it.

"Why do you want to help me? You barely know me. I don't want to burden you with my issues. You have your own life and you don't even know mine." He said through sobs.

"I'm just concerned Louis. I always see you come in by yourself and I was curious. You need to address this problem and I can help you. You can stay with me for a few days if you don't have anywhere else. Please let me help." At this point I was begging him to let me help him escape his abusive boyfriend. He didn't say anything so I continued

"First, you need to tell me about him and your situation." He looked down at the table for a minute and finally began to open up to me.

"Okay it all started about 2 years ago."


"Louis.?" I looked over at Sam and I saw he looked furious.

"Um yeah Sammy? What's wrong?" He stormed over to me with my phone in his hand.

"This. This is what's wrong." He showed this guy's feed on Instagram that I had followed a few days back.

"What? I follow a guy? I follow a lot?" At this point I was very confused because this was out of the norm for him.

" you've liked all his photos, you comment cute things and you even private messaged him. If you don't want to be with me anymore, tell me. Even if you don't, nobody else will ever want you anyway. I'm the only person who can fucking protect you Louis." His hand grabbed my wrist very tightly and he snarled his words.

"Nobody else wants you. You're ugly and pathetic. Maybe I should kick you out."  He shoved me to the wall with a hard hit and it wasn't only verbal and mental abuse but now physical.

I begged him.

"No no no! I won't do it again. I'll delete all my social media. I promise. Please don't kick me out I love you." He just grinned at me.

"Of course you do. You're pathetic without me." He pushed me to the floor, laughed and walked upstairs. I was laying on the floor, crying. I didn't have anywhere else to go.


I just looked at him. I can't believe a person could treat this sweet, innocent human like that.

"It's progressed significantly since then. Now he beats me and gets drunk. He brings other people back and Laughs in my face." At this point, Louis was a mess.

"Okay. We are going over there and getting your things. You're moving in with me. Don't ask questions. I'll be there with you the entire time."

"I don't think I can. I don't want him to hit me anymore. I'm tired, Harry." He put his head on the table.

My hands found their way into his hair and I soothed him for a minute.

I went to sit beside him and hugged him from the side.

"Come on baby boy. Let's go get your stuff so you can leave." I whispered to him. At this moment I knew I needed him and he needed me.

"okay. But promise me you'll be there the entire time. Don't leave me. Everyone leaves." I started to get up and laughed a little.

"I'm not going anywhere."

He told me where they lived at. He lived in the middle of nowhere basically.

I pulled up in the small driveway and I could feel how tense Louis was.

"Louis calm down it's okay. It'll be okay I promise. I swear." He just nodded at me.

We both got out and I soon as we walked up the steps the door flew open.

"Oh you brought someone home with you? Who's this?" I felt my anger rise in my chest but I had to conceal it for Louis. This man was acting all innocent.

"I'm leaving." There it was. Plain and simple.

I saw Sam's face drop and he glared st me.

Louis managed to push past him and run up the stairs but Sam grabbed his arm.

"Okay don't touch him." I was very close to punching this guy.

"Baby. Please don't leave. You love me I love you." Louis just laughed.

"I'm not your baby." Louis got out of his grasp and continued up the stairs to get his stuff. He only grabbed his clothes and personal things.

I stood close by him while he did so making sure he wasn't going to get hurt. Sam didn't do anything while Louis gatherer this belongings.

"Fine. Go be a slut with someone else. He will get tired of you too." We both ignored his comments as we exited the house.

"Are you okay." I gave Louis a hug while he held on to my shirt tight.

"I am now."


Part 2 will be up in  a few days. It's just going to go over how they are and it'll be cute.!!!

Thank you guys. I'm back in my mojo.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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