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Four boring years have gone by, I'm now a toddler, a very weird toddler at that. I had managed to look in a mirror when I climbed onto the counter in our bathroom, needless to say I was a little taken back by my own reflection.

Piercing yellow eyes stared back at me, my skin was deathly pale and my silky black hair, which was almost to my shoulder in length. It was strange because I didn't look my parents, I didn't even look like my old self.

For a four year old I thought about a lot, which is why I get headaches a lot. Seriously you would not believe how little a toddlers brain can take.

Today is May 13th, my fourth birthday. My parents bought me a large rubber ball as a present and also baked me a cake. I honestly think I like my new mom better then my old mom, I mean she can bake!

"Why don't you go play with your new ball outside Yuuto?" My mom suggested.

"Okay!" I agreed, taking my ball and skipping out of the house.

My rubber ball is just a plan white ball, although it means a lot to me because from what I can gather we aren't exactly well off in terms of money.

I tossed the ball into the air before gravity took over and brought it back down for me to catch, I did this over and over again to pass the time.

I stopped tossing the ball and instead started to bounce it on the ground like a basketball, dribbling it from left to right. I was getting the hang of it pretty quickly until the ball hit my foot and began rolling away.

"Crap!" I exclaimed, careful not to curse as I took off after the ball.

The ball had rolled into the forest on the outside of the small village and came to a stop in front of a small pond.

"It's kind of pretty." I mumbled to myself taking a seat at the edge of the pond, placing my ball in my lap.

I sat in silence by the pond as I listened to the sounds of birds, bugs, and fish. I was startled suddenly when I heard a scream, one that sounded like my mother. I bolted up and rushed back to my home forgetting my ball at the pond. I ran as fast as my small legs could carry me, brushing the tears out of my eyes as the wind caressed my face.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed, throwing open the door to our house.

There was no reply. The house stayed eerily quiet as I crept inside. I checked each room for my parents not being able to hear them. Finally I came to their bedroom, I cautiously opened the door before peering inside. I squinted my eyes as I tried my hardest to look inside their room.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out.

"... Yuu...to..?" A weak voice replied, a voice I recognized well.

I flicked on the lights quickly only to see both my parents lying on the ground in a pool of blood, a sword sticking out of their chests. After seeing my dying parents, I turned away and vommited, not being able to look at them. Endless rivers of tears stremed down my face as I cried.

"...Yuuto..?" My mother's voice called.

I couldn't bear to watch as the life faded from her eyes, so I turned away and continued crying. I knew my mother was finally dead when I heard her hand thud against the floor when she couldn't reach me.

"Oh? A child?" A masculine voice asked.

I spun around quickly, staring into piercing yellow eyes, much like my own, but full of malice and evil.

"Should we kill him?" A second male voice asked the first.

I backed away until my back hit the wall, leaving me shivering in fear.

"No, let's take him." The first decided. "I want to run some tests."

I finally got a better look at the men. The first was tall, pale, and he had eyes like mine and hair like mine, but longer. The second had grayish hair, large round glasses and was shorter than the first.

The tall pale man approached me before bending down to my level.

"What's your name?" He asked, his tone sharp and demanding.

"Yuuto." I replied quickly.

"Well Yuuto, my name is Orochimaru and this is Kabuto. You will address me as Lord Orochimaru." He said, pointing at the other man.

I simply nodded my head, still scared out of my mind. The only other alarming thing being the fact that their names sounded familiar.

When Nate and I used to watch Naruto he would spoil things and blurt out facts about characters. The sad thing is I only watched up to team sevens first C-rank mission.

"Kabuto, you will be carrying him back." Orochimaru ordered.

"Understood Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto replied.

"Yuuto, get on his back." Orochimaru ordered me.

I nodded meekly and got onto Kabuto's back, not wanting to find out what happens if I disobey this man.

"We're leaving now." Orochimaru said quickly before speeding off.

Kabuto sped after him, making me cling to his shoulders for my life. The wind smacked against my face as I peeked over Kabuto's shoulder to try and see where we were going.

I'm honestly so fucking confused. I come home to find my parents dead and get abducted by some weirdo who looks a lot like me for some freaky reason, and I'm not even crying any more. I should be terrified! I mean, I'm a little freaked out, but that's it.

My thoughts are cut short however because we arrived at what I can only assume is a secret base of some kind.

"Kabuto, bring Yuuto to my lab." Orochimaru ordered once we entered the underground base.

I gulped nervously, not wanting to know why I was being sent to this guy's lab.

Kabuto dropped me off in the dark lab before stalking away into the darkness.

"Let's begin." Orochimaru said with a sinister smile.

I never did forget the pain that came after those words.


And now the real fun can begin! Hope you liked the chapter!

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