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Early the next day we all had woken up and gotten ready to go see Kakashi-sensei, curious to see how his hangover was doing.

"Morning everyone..." Kakashi greeted, holding his head with one hand.

"You look like shit Kakashi-sensei." I said, looking at his very disorganized person.

"I feel like it too." He replied holding his head. "Suddenly I regret drinking last night."

"Where's Zabuza?" Haku asked.

"He won't come out of our room, and even worse, he won't tell me what happened last night." Kakashi replied.

"I'll go and get him." Haku said before walking past Kakashi and into their room, shutting the door behind him.

The rest of us waited in the lobby of the hotel until finally after about five minutes, Haku returned with thirteen year old Zabuza.

"Zabuza is fine," Haku said, leading Zabuza over to a couch. "Now we should all wait for Chojuro."

While we waited, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and I all looked back and forth suspiciously between Zabuza and Kakashi.

"Are you all ready to go?" Chojuro asked once he had finally arrived.

"Lead the way." Kakashi replied.

We left the hotel and followed after our guide Chojuro, navigating the busy streets to reach the Mizukage's office. A heavy mist constantly hung in the air, making it harder to see in front of us. I'm just thankful my glasses weren't fogging up.

"The Mizukage's building is just up ahead of us." Chojuro said, pointing at a stone building up ahead.

We entered the building and climbed two flights of stairs until we eventually came to the door to the Mizukage's office. Chojuro knocked twice and stepped back from the door. A tall man with bluish hair and an eyepatch over his right eye, opened the door.

"Lady Mizukage has been expecting you all." He said, stepping aside to let us in.

We walked inside the dark office and the man shut the door behind us. In front of us was a large desk and behind the desk sat a beautiful woman with long redish-orange hair, atop her head sat the Mizukage's hat.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you all," She greeted, smiling. "My name is Mei Terumi and I'm the fifth Mizukage."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Lady Mizukage." Kakashi said, bowing his head. "My name is Kakashi Hatake and these are my genin, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Yuuto Tatsumi."

"It's nice to meet you all," She replied. "This is my right hand man, Ao."

The tall man stood beside her and nodded his head towards us.

"I know that you are Haku Yuki," The Mizukage said, pointing at Haku. "Zabuza, you are free to release your transformation jutsu."

Zabuza dropped the jutsu and stood before the Mizukage, towering above her.

"From what I can understand, Haku and Zabuza wish to change their villages, the Hokage also told me it was someone elses idea." The Mizukage said. "Which one of you suggested it?"

"That would me be, Lady Mizukage." I said, taking a small step forward.

"I see, it was very bold of you to request something like this." She said with a smile.

"Thank you?" I replied.

"I would be alright with allowing the switch, afterall, a Yuki would be much safer elsewhere, and Zabuza would never be accepted here." The Mizukage announced. "But, for the first six months of their transfer they must be under 24 hour watch."

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