6. Enticing

36 1 0

Dannyboy: Hey girl

Ronnie12345: Yo dude!

Dannyboy: wanna fuck?

Ronnie12345: My answer is

still the same

 and you ask me 

this everyday

Dannyboy: dude i just 

have needs

 and dont tell me

 to use my hands 

Ronnie12345: yeah I have needs

too and having 

sex with you is 

not one of them

Dannyboy: Ok hows

 your day been

then love?

Ronnie12345: If I'm honset

its fucking boring 

and all I've done 

is eat about ten 

donuts and I thinking

about applying

 for a new job.

Dannyboy: You should get a job 

in the u.k so 

then I can see you

and have some

 good sex with you.

Ronnie12345: Dan dude the visa

struggles are

 enough to put me 

off to even visit

 the U.K, let alone get a 

job over there.

Dannyboy: Dan?

Ronnie12345: Suck it up

its your new nickname


Dannyboy: Its cool love

I think I like it

Most people call me danny

so i havent heard a new

nickname in years

Ronnie12345: Cool mate

Dude this girl is hot (Danny Worsnop)Where stories live. Discover now