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Bella POV

I woke up with a pounding headache. As I opened my eyes I could see nothing, I was engulfed by darkness. I didn't know where I was and the only thing I was aware of was my pounding head. Had Victoria finally gotten to me? But, it wasn't Victoria who I remembered, it was someone entirely different, I had never seen him before, I could remember his eyes, blood red. I let out a bitter chuckle at the irony of the thought that had entered my head.

I was lying on my back and sought to get up. My legs were weak; I wonder how long it had been since my last meal for them to shake so badly. I felt around for something in the darkness, anything, but my hands met with nothing but air. I walked around the entire room with my arms spread in front of me but felt nothing.

I finally felt a wall and dragged my hand along its length. It wasn't even, and I supposed that it was just bricks, no cement or color. I continued walking feeling the wall beneath my hand and was soon to discover that I was in a circular room. Finally, I felt something other than bricks, wood, which would mean a door. I slid my hand up and down, left and right, trying to find a knob, but I couldn't. I even pressed my body against it in an attempt to feel the knob, figuring that it would and lowest points of the door, but still couldn't find anything.

I finally gave up and sat with my back against the wall, where was I? Who brought me here? And what could they possibly want with me? My head was spinning with endless questions and the pounding in my head significantly increased.

"Ahhhh". A scream escaped my mouth as my leg started paining, it hurt so much, soon the searing pain started spreading, my left leg, my hands, arms, stomach, chest, back, I could feel the pain from deep within, every single part of my body was vibrating, I let out a deafening scream which continued as the pain continued to consume me. My entire body was on fire.

Soon, it stopped. Just stopped. My entire body was shaking, during this seizure, for the lack of a better word, I had fallen to the floor and I stayed there, vibrating.

"Bella". I managed to lift my head and see my mother standing above me. What was she doing here? How did she even get here? "I'm so disappointed in you. I can't believe you didn't tell me that Edward was a vampire or that Klaus is a vampire, what did I do so wrong in raising you that you became such a liar?" she asked.

"No, mom I -"

"Don't call me that". She snapped and my eyes filled with tears, she knelt down in front of me and started stroking my hair, but soon she wrapped her fingers around them and pulled back, inciting yet another scream from me. I closed my eyes trying to block my mothers face, her words burning me, the physical pain was better than this pain. Suddenly, her hand wasn't in my hair anymore so I opened my eyes to see that my mother wasn't here. I got up and wiped my tears, it was dark again. What confused me though that I had been able to see my mother even in this dark room, yet now that she wasn't here I couldn't see anything.

"Thinking about your mother, Bella?" A woman's voice asked and yet as I lifted my head to see where she was and I was met with darkness yet agin.

"Who are you?"

"That isn't for you to know, but that wasn't my question, now was it?"

"Why should I tell you what I was thinking about?" I asked and quickly received my answer as my the pain started yet again, I was shaking so bad, as a few stray tears escaped the confines of my eyes.

"I hope that answer has fulfilled your curiosity". She said "or else I can always give you a different answer".

"No, please don't. where is my mom?"

"She isn't here Bella, it was a hallucination. But, it will come true one day". Her voice echoed through the walls.

"No, it won't". I said as I sat up. "She wouldn't say that to me, not when I would explain to her as to why I hid it from her. You don't know my mother".

"I don't claim to, but I am a mother, you lied to the woman who practically tore her body up to give birth to you, Isabella".

"How do you know my name?"

"Exactly how I know everything else about you". Now, I stood up, anger filling me, threatening to burst, like water controlled by a dam.

"Why have you brought me here? What have I done to you?" I asked frantically trying to understand the motives of my captor.

"Oh, you haven't done anything to me, it's your boyfriend".

"Boyfriend? I don't have a - Klaus".

"Yes, Klaus. He's the reason you're here".



"No, Klaus isn't the reason I'm here". I couldn't believe she was blaming him. "He didn't have me kidnapped, you did. I'm here because you're too much of a coward to face him on your own so you are using me as bait. I'm you're insurance so that he doesn't kill you the moment he sees you". I waited for a response from her, and I got one.

"You foolish girl, I'm not afraid of Klaus, I am the reason he is who he is today. I created him and I will destroy him".

"Esther". I didn't know how I remembered her name, but I did.

"Ten points to the human".

"Why are you doing this? Trying to kill him when he's your son". I didn't, couldn't understand this woman.

"Because he is a monster. He kills people Bella, you should know that. Now tell me, have you slept with him yet".

"What?"I questioned appalled, how dare she ask me something so personal? Of course I didn't ask that in reality.

"Oh, Bella it doesn't matter to me, honestly, if you have the spell is easier, if you haven't, it's harder to perform. So, have you?"

"No, I haven't, but what spell?" I asked, what kind of a spell would be easier to do if I had slept with Klaus?

"Hmm....curious, aren't we? I'll tell you anyway. Consider it as a gift for your behavior". She said and went silent.

"Well, what is it?"

"The spell to connect you two."


"Yes, if you had been together, it would've allowed you to hear each others thoughts. So it's good you didn't". And then it clicked.

"So that when you kill me, he dies along with me". I said.

"Another ten points to the human".And then I fell to the ground, and surprisingly I wasn't concerned about my death, I was concerned about his. The possibility of him dying, it pains me. It's as if someone has gotten hold of my heart and was squeezing it as hard as possible. I felt the tears flowing down my face as I remembered his face, his smile that he showed no one, but me. I remembered watching his face when he was carrying me to my room as my ankle was paining, I recalled him showing me his house. I remembered the feeling I got when I saw him and Caroline together, the time when he threatened Victoria to stay away from me, how he forgave me twice for calling him a monster.And then it hit me, hard. How could I have not realized it before? In all the time that I had spent with Klaus not once did I think of Edward and there was only one reason for that, Klaus.

I was in love with him. I was in love with Klaus Mikealson and I would do anything, go to any length to save his life. And there was only one way to do that. I had to die before Esther cast the spell. And I will.

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