Crystal Snow | Yoonmin

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GUYS I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK THIS LONG TO UPDATE! I really don't have an excuse so I'm just going to drop the bomb and say I'm lazy. I especially sorry to all of those who've requested a story, I have made you wait so long :( I'm truly sorry. To hopefully make up for it, I have a long unedited Christmas one for you guys. I hope it suits your taste Chimmmy_lover

Crystal Snow - Yoonmin ( Chimmmy_lover )

December 23rd

Jimin huffed out a breath as he gathered his shopping bags in one hand so he could use the other to open the door, the chilly November air blushing up his cheeks and nose. Though as he opens the door to his house, warmth envelopes him as he places the bags on the counter.

"Daddy, you're home!!" The little five year old came running towards her dad, jumping and asking to be picked up. She was wearing a Christmas hat and a cute little Christmas outfit. Jimin thinks she looks adorable, Yoongi really outdid himself.

"Hyunah! How's my little baby girl?" Jimin smiled, enveloping his daughter in his arms and picking her up. She rambled about what her, Yoongi and Hyunsoo did today. Jimin really wanted to join them, but had work in the morning, so he decided to do some Christmas shopping afterwards so that was cleared out of the way. He didn't want to bother Yoongi with even more responsibilities. Speaking of Yoongi, as he walks into the kitchen he sees said male cooking, with Hyunsoo in his baby harness, sleeping comfortably. Jimin remembers Christmas two years ago, Hyunah being so excited to just open presents, though last Christmas didn't go as well. Hyunsoo, their youngest, was born in November, a month and half too early, so he and Yoongi had went through a lot last year and didn't have time to properly celebrate Christmas. Jimin wanted this year to go much better, since Hyunsoo now was healthy and fine.

Placing Hyunah on the ground he walked over behind Yoongi. "I missed you" Jimin whispered kissing Yoongi's cheek from behind him. He wrapped his arms around his waist, rubbed the baby in the harness's back.

"Missed you too" Yoongi said stirring the pot in front of him. "Had a good time at work?" Yoongi asked, turning down the heat and turning around to face Jimin and kiss him. He looked tired, but nonetheless he smiled and nodded.

"Final day, and now a week off with my family" Jimin said cupping Yoongi's face and brushing his bangs out of his eyes. Yoongi really is as beautiful as the day they met seven years ago at the local grocery store. Yoongi looking hopelessly from the register, as nineteen year old Jimin struggled to find various groceries. Thank god Jimin's mother sent him out to get groceries that day, or he might've missed this beautiful man in front of him. As Jimin is stuck in his thoughts, Hyunsoo begins to wake up, whining.

"Oh? You're waking up already buddy?" Jimin says reaching behind Yoongi to unclasp the harness. "Why don't you come over to daddy" Jimin said picking the boy up from the harness as Yoongi took it off. Hyunsoo squealed at his dad squeezing his cheeks as Jimin smiles.

"Daddy daddy! Look what me and appa did today!" Hyunah said, as she came running with drawing in her hand. Jimin squatted down, Hyunsoo still in his arms, and looked at the drawing. "Look this is appa, this is Hyunsoo, this is me and that's you!" She said pointing enthusiastically at the stick men with around 30 fingers on each hand and wearing Christmas hats.

"Wow you made this all by yourself? Great job sweetie I'm so proud of you!" Jimin said, the little girl smiling her gummy smile, a smile she inherited from Yoongi. "Why don't you hang it up on the fridge huh?" Jimin said handing her some magnets as she ran of towards the fridge.

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