Today,i'm giving my opinion for a book written by leadbomber
He doesn't speak croatian so i i'll give him my opinion in english.
Travel to a world unimaginable for the mind to comprehend.
I love this sentence.
Plot - 10
I just love the plot of your story!It's so funny and creative!Relic,Icarus and Beatrice are the best characters ever.Their adventures are very interesting.Honestly,Icarus is my favorite.When I read your book,I get a feeling I'm reading a book written by J.K.Rowling or someone like that.
Cover - 9
The cover is simple but beautiful.I gave you a nine because I think it can be better,but you don't have to change it.The cover is very pretty and I think some people will start reading the book only because of the cover.
Description - 10
Your description is very interesting and you don't have to change it.The description really woke up the curiosity inside of me.
Grammar - 10
Your grammar is flawless.
Sense - 10
Everything makes sense and is explained.
And for the end,a little message from me..
I reccomend this book to "Harry Potter" fans or just fantasy fans.Everyone should give a chance to this terrific book.You have a real talent that can't be wasted.Just keep writing and people will see your talent.
Moje mišljenje
RandomOvo je knjiga mojih mišljenja o vašim knjigama.Ovdje neću bit fin,nego ću sve reći kako je. Cover je napravila @00fairy00.Da mogu,ocijenio bi ga s deset!