Trading with Eliza Wisconsi

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"I'm telling you she can help," Beth said.

"Belle's right, but how ... how did we contact her? I don't know her, and holy God and Sam didn't know her ... I don't understand how they got them, "Dean said worriedly.

"I can meet her," continued the oldest of the Winchester siblings, "I can cast the spell for her, and Eliza will speak to you."

"You sure?" Dean asked, " Castiel won't you say anything? I think you'd better stay and take care of Ray."

Dean smiled nervously, noticing the tension in the air.

"Eliza would feel more comfortable near Belle" Castiel said.

"So what are we going to do with Ray?" Dean asked. "Will Amy take care of her along with Andy? I'll talk to Lisa."

"Yes, yes, great idea," Belle agreed, "I just don't know if Amy will want to go with us."

"Betsie is right ... but I also think she wonn't stand with Sam in danger ... " said Castiel "but for now we have to rest and cool our heads."

"I know." Belle stood abruptly. "I'm leaving now, I'm going alone."

"But ..." Dean tried to stop her.

"But nothing," she chided him as if they were children again. "I know how to defend myself, you stay here and do the communication spell don't tell Amelia where I went. If it'd reassure her, let her talk to Eliza. Please, my brother, do as I ask."

"As you wish, my sister," he agreed reluctantly.

Elizabeth nodded and left as quickly as possible.

Amelia appeared with Angela in her lap.

"You're going to talk to Castiel's wife, aren't you?" She asked, "let me try to convince you to ... help us bring Sam back."

"Yes, Amelia," Castiel confirmed.

"Come on, we don't have time to lose," Dean said, rolling up his sleeves and opening a book of spells.

He circled with paint on the floor and inside it drew some symbols. He said a phrase in Enochian and a blue smoke began to rise slowly from the circle.

"Is Eliza Winscomsi listening to me?" Dean asked.

"Yes, who's talking?" Eliza asked.

"Well ... so fast ... I wasn't ex-" started Dean, but was interrupted by an Amy with a not amused face.

"Elizabeth Winscomsi Novak, right? This is Amelia Thompson Winchester."

"Hello Amelia," she said with a look of laughter and the smoke revolted a little, returning to normal soon after.

"Look, Eliza ... I barely know you, but my husband was caught because of you. It breaks my heart to see my daughter asking about her father and I don't know how to say..."- melia's voice was beginning to fail in certain points "you are a mother ... you know how it is, you must know more than I do, mother for the second time and knows how our children are our worlds. I know that no one deserves to hear what I have to say and if I knew you I would hug you after saying that, but it's not just my Sam, but the whole family, too. Mine and especially yours running danger and you, running away as you are, not speaking, makes it all your fault. I'm in danger, my daughter, my Sam mainly, your Castiel, your daughter and this little one who's coming, you and Lisa, Dean, Ben" pause and look at Dean "the matriarch and Patriarch Winchester, ALL , everyone in this family is in danger and it's your fault ... unless you change that. Bring my Sam back ... I'm sorry, Castiel" she finally said and left the room with little Andy hugging her, but sharing the cry as if she understood her mother's despair.

"Amelia" Eliza sniffed the smoke-I'm sorry but giving me means surrendering my son and I can't do that. Maybe if I delivered my son as soon as he was born they would leave me alone but who guarantees it? What if they kill me, and my children and the worst for you, your husband? The problem is that..."

"What?" Amy asked, "have you any idea?

"We don't want to hurt you," Dean said, "we just want to get this situation straight for all of us."

"I ..." Eliza hesitated, "I think I can bargain with them for a way to get it over with. No matter what happens to me, I just want you and my family to be safe. I am the first angelic wife that existed called also rare jewelry. The Pure want the first one because if they destroy the first one they will end up with the rest of the angelic spouses. I will undo my protective charms and let them capture me, and I will be able to negotiate with them. This will be done. I swear to you Dean Winchester."

A drop of blood fell from the smoke and stained the floor.

"No," Castiel murmured.

This was an oath that could not be undone. Eliza really would keep the bargain.

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