Öneshot 2- Traveling Alone (417)

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Hey babes! It's Mavis- and I'm writing the second oneshot. It's about manga chapter 417. (Silent chapter) YOU'LL LOVE IT I PROMISE.

Natsu's POV

It's been about half a year since I left Fairy Tail along with Happy. Ever since the Tartaros incident I've been having some issues.

Igneel died because I wasn't strong enough to protect him...

I don't want the same thing to happen to her- I've already lost her once. Not again.

I hope she isn't mad. I'll come back... I promise-

We're best friends, she won't be mad surely...

I hope.

Besides food those were the only thoughts running through my mind. I've been training everyday with Happy.

"Are you okay, Natsu?" Happy asked. I looked at him and smiled.

"I'm fine, little buddy, don't worry."

I lied.

Happy and I were walking in the forest, which had only bits of sunlight shining through the trees. I was starving.

Suddenly I saw something. A huge wild BOAR. Dinner time!

"Watch out, Happy! I'm fixing to kick this thing's ass!" I had a huge grin. Happy just flew away, still in sight though, to watch.

Fire engulfed my feet. I used them as boosters to jump and kick it. I knocked it out in one shot!

Smoke engulfed the area. I danced on top of the boar that I had just killed, and Happy came back and celebrated with me. Once the area cleared, I saw a male, shadowy figure in the distance. It was familiar too. He just stared at me. Drool ran down both of our lips because we were hungry. I stared back. Then I yelled in excitement, and surprise.

"Gildarts!" I screamed.

"Natsu!" He screamed back.

We happy danced in celebration. I offered to share my food with him. Also, I haven't seen him in a while. He was like a father to me. Then I play punched him in the face. He punched me back, which sent me flying.

My face was bleeding but we decided that we should have a feast.

We ate the meat and told him about all the adventures me and Happy went on.

"We even met some thiefs. They tried to steal my stuff!" I exclaimed and Happy sighed.

"But I think he took it a little too far... He could have taken them out easily with one punch, but he just had to use his flames!"

"No one steals from us!"

Gildarts laughed in sync with us. We decided to take a bath in a nearby hot spring that he had found. It felt nice. We relaxed and continued our conversations. He asked about everyone in Fairy Tail, but I changed the subject.

It soon became night, and we had got into a naked fight while taking a bath. Happy sighed, "Idiots..."

We had decided to stay together until the next morning. Gildarts fell asleep, and I took a little nap. I couldn't sleep well. Happy was out cold.

There was a cliff nearby, which I decided to gaze at the stars and the waterfall. It was a starry night. I was in deep thought. I was wondering about the guild, and my friends, and for some odd reason, I couldn't stop thinking about Lucy. The night sky reminded me of her I guess...

I left her a letter, so she shouldn't be mad. It's not like I'll be gone forever, I'm coming back, most definitely.

But what if she is mad? Did I upset her? I hate it when she cries, so hopefully she didn't.

I sniffed the night air. I could smell her even from a long distance. She has a special smell, one that I couldn't just forget. It smells like... vanilla and strawberry. Heh. It's one of my favorite.

Wait. What?

I heard footsteps behind me. I ignored them.

"Natsu! What are you doing up so late?" Gildarts said from beside me. I looked over, but remained silent. Then I looked back into the night sky. Gildarts sat down next to me. I could still see him out of the corner of my eye.

"Thinking about someone special?" He said, and I could see the smirk on his face. I knew what he was referring to, he always teases me about girls that are close to me. When we were younger, he used to tease me about Lisanna. But now that we've became a little distant, he teases me about Lucy more.

"Shut it, you perv," I grumbled. I felt my face turn warm and crossed arms, facing away from him.

"You can tell me, I'm the 'ladie's man.'" As he said that he snapped his fingers and pointed to himself. He still had that big shit-eating grin.

"I'm looking at the stars! It's super pretty tonight!" I yelled, still flustered.

"Yeah, right..."

I was sweating all over. I was super nervous. Why?

"It's okay, Natsu. I know what your feeling. You love her," he said calmly. His smirk was removed. He was being dead serious.

I couldn't manage to speak. My face was warm again. I was sweating again. I've never experienced love before.

"W-What if she's mad?" I said quietly

But maybe he's right?

I was shaking now.

"I just left, without saying a word-" Those were the only words I could stutter out.

Gildarts smiled and patted me on the head. "It'll all work out, trust me." I sighed heavily. Hopefully.

And we both traveled back to the pile of grass we were sleeping on. Happy was still asleep, even after all the yelling. We both eventually fell asleep and soon it became morning...



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