♬Voca-chan's song drabble♬

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~Author's note / Prologue ~

Hi, wattpad VocaHunter here. ^^

I'm the authoress of several fanfictions and fantasy stories .

Instead of any of those....

I'll be using this oppertunity to write song lyrics here to share to you guys .

Occasionally, If I'm inspired enough

I'll try to make a One-shot of the song and etc.

To my fellow readers,

I know some of you are really eager for my other E-books to update.

But please bear with me!

Things got a bit busy so I can't seem to write enough per-day!

So I hope you understand... *bows*

To first-timers,

Please don't get confused of this

E-book's content. It's simply a jubilee of songs and possible One-shots.

Thanks everyone ^^



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