Dare #14

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Mortals, we got another dare from BeckyRodman. She dares Black to make a bunch of prank calls. I doubt that Black would-




Fine, fucking cunt.

Watch your mouth.

You should've said that last night to Zamasu.

*gasps* You little-

On with the dare!

(Prank calling Cynder)

*phone rings* Hello?

Hi Cynder~

Who is this?

It's me, Turles.

Oh hi, what is it?

I was wondering if me and you could go on a date tonight at 7:00?

I love that idea!

Great! Meet me near the river.

Okay, bye!

Bye~! *hangs the phone*

*burst into laughter* I can't believe that worked!

(At 7:00)

Where is he?

Hey um, Cynder?

Oh hi Rosy, what is it?

You got pranked.

I got what now?

Black pranked ya.

Oh that son of a-

That's what you get for annoying me!!!

(Prank calling Zamasu)

Cynder you forgive me right?

*punches him* Now I do (^^)

Totally worth it.

*phone rings* hello?

Hey Zamasu~

Who is this?

It's me, Towa.

*gasps* T-Towa?!

What do you want?

C'mon on now baby, I know you miss me~

Get the hell of my phone, I don't miss you.

Oh really, then why do you keep sending me love letters?

I-I never sent you such things!

*Wait, did he really?* Are you sure~?

*hangs up* Fucking bitch.

Wait....did he really?

Oh my-

*bursts into laughter* Oh this is some DRAMA.

(A few moments later)

Zamasu, who is Towa and why are sending love letters to her?

Wha...Black she's my ex, I have not been sending love letters to her, I swear on yours!

Don't lie to me.

I-I swear!...I

LIER! *pushes him to a wall*

B-Black, I'm telling the truth!

I can't believe you...you said that you accepted my confession, I killed Hananoki for you, now.....I have to kill another bitch.


*Teleports to Towa's place and kills her, teleports back* I killed her now.

B-Black..*tears up a bit*

*pushes him to a wall*

*crying silently*

*kisses him*

*Fidgets in the kiss*

Love me only, okay?


*carries him bridal style*

Well this turned out out like shet. *punches the forth wall and shatters it*


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