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Hanawolf24 asks all of this shit right here cause fuck that, I'm not reading all of that!

Hanawolf24 asks all of this shit right here cause fuck that, I'm not reading all of that!

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Not again!

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Not again!

Yes, bring in the mortal children!

Hanawolf24: Hello Everyone!

Hi Hanawolf24!




Black, be nice!!

Hanawolf24: Here are the children!

Hana: Hi!

Storm: H-Hello..

Oh, this must be your daughter Hana!

Hanawolf24: Yes She is!

And we have to babysit her?


Oh!! She's so cute!

Storm: *blushing and hides behind Hana's leg*

Hanawolf24: Well, I'm off now! *teleports away*

*looks at Storm with a glare*

Storm: *scared*

*hugged Storm tightly* YOU ARE SO CUTE!!!

*hugged both of them* I know!

Storm: *smiles softly*

*growling* Why do we have to babysit a mortal baby?!

You got a problem with that?

Yes I do.

Shut it Black!

Storm: *looked at Blacku*


Storm: *started to play with him*


That ningen shouldn't be playing with my son!

But you are a mortal too

Ha! I am a god! I just have the body of a mortal, and turned it into something magnificent as me!

So, a hybrid of a god and human, even more sinful you dipshit

Lol *laughing*

You are grounded Cynder!

NO MA'AM! *runs away fast*

*giggling and holds Storm*

Storm: *softly smile*


Black be nice, plus this is not an Ningen child

But still, I don't feel right about that thing!

Oh yeah, by the way CynderBlack3 who is Becky Rodman dares Black and Zamasu to dance the Mascarina.

No ma'am

Okay! *grabs Black*

Why? -_-

Those two are dancing now

Watch them fuck each other as they're done

Storm: *tired and fell asleep*

Awww! *picks up Storm and puts her to bed* So Cute!

This dares SUCKED! But my creator is very tired and has a lot going on, thanks to her fucking cheap ass school. Anyways bye! *punches the forth wall and shatters it*

Every fucking time!

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