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-Alex POV🤤-
"Yo I'm telling you shawty ass was dumb fat" Deshawn says as we're walking down the hall.

"So you hit😂?" I ask

"Hell yeah I hit " He says as we walk over to my locker

"Bruh was she even cute" I ask opening my locker

"I mean she wasn't ugly ugly but she wasn't cute cute , if you know what I mean " He says

"Man I swear you'll fuck anything with legs😂" I say . He started talking about something else but I zoned out looking at the girl who's locker was a few down from mine. She had to be new because I've never seen her before.

"Yo is you even listening to me😒" He asks but I shushed him then pointed to the girl.

"Who is that" He asks licking his lips

"I don't know but I might just have to talk to her" I say about to walk over to her but my sister and her best friend walk over.

"Hey baby daddy😏" Aliyah says. No me and Aliyah don't have a baby together that's just what she calls me sometimes . We're not together either , it's like a flirtationship .

"Wassup" I say

"We cheering at the game tomorrow so make sure y'all there " Sanai says. Sanai is my twin sister we're fraternal by the way.

"Fashoo😏" Deshawn says making Aliyah and Sanai roll their eyes then walk off.

"Aye where did that girl go" I ask looking around

"Uh how about to class" He says sarcastically

"Man shut up" I say walking down the hall

-Jasmine POV💗-
So today is my first day and I'm kind of nervous. I don't know anything about this school or the people in it. I moved here from California about 2 days ago.

My first class was Math so I went to my locker to put my bag up then walked to class.

It took me a extra 5 minuets to find the class because this school is huge.

Once I finally get to class I take a seat in the back because I'm not really trying to be noticed but I had the feeling somebody was looking at me. I look over and see two boys staring at me. One looks away but the other keeps looking. He looked like he was about to say something but a girl walks over to me.

"Hey I'm Sanai , are you new?" She asks

"Uh yeah today's my first day" I say

"Oh well we're having a basketball game here tomorrow at 6:00 and you should come" She says

"Ok....sure" I say

"What's your name ?" She asks

"Jasmine " I say

"Ok cool" She says walking off right before the teacher came in and started class.

-Alex POV🤤-
So I've been trying to talk to this girl all day and every time Sanai has gotten in the way🙄. And it looks like lunch is my last option.

"Alright Deshawn let me know when you see her walking in" I say

"Oh she been walked in she already got her tray" Deshawn says looking on his phone.

"Dumb ass🙄" I whisper under my breath before getting up walking off

So I'm looking around trying to find her but I trip over something and bump into this girl making her spill her tray on her🤦🏾‍♂️.

"Omg" The girl says in shock causing me to look up....and it was the new girl🤦🏾‍♂️.

"I am so so sorry ,do you want me to get you some napkins " I say

"No that's ok" She says

"Ok...well I'm Alex-" I say but she cuts me off

"You know what I have to go" She says walking out the cafeteria. I cant believe I just did that🤦🏾‍♂️.

-Jasmine POV🌸-
So much for having a good first day🙄. I go straight to the bathroom and try to clean this mess off my shirt but that just made it spread so I just stayed in there till it was time to go to the next class. As I'm walking down the hall that same boy walks up to me again🙄.

"Hey I just wanted to let you know that I'm really sorry" He says

"I said it was ok🙄" I say

"You wanna wear my hoodie to cover up the..-" He says but I cut him off

"Look I'm fine ok" I say walking off

•After School•
I walk out the building towards the parking lot and start walking to my mom's car.

"Sweetie what happened to you're shirt" She says

"Nothing " I sigh getting in the front street

"Hey jazzy " My little brother says

"Hey you have a good first day" I ask
facing the back seat.

"Yup I already made a lot of friends " He says . Well lucky for him.

"Oh that's good ,but where's Jayla" I ask my mom

"We're about to pick her up your school was just closer to the house , but how was your day" She says as she starts to drive

"Um ...it could've been better" I say

"Well did you make any friends " She asks

"No not really but this one girl asked me to come to a basketball game tomorrow " I say

"Oh well you should go" She says

"I don't know about that " I say

"Jasmine , this is a good way to make friends " She says

"Ok I guess I'll go" I sigh

Ok so how did y'all like the first chapter 💕? Also what do you think about the characters 💗? COMMENT BELOW AND DONT FORGET TO VOTE💓.


I'm All Yours 🤤😍 {Alex Hibbert}Where stories live. Discover now