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The Basketball Game🏀
-Jasmine POV🌸-
"Have fun sweetie " My mom says as I get out of the car.

Once I walk into the gym I'm completely overwhelmed with how many people were at this game. It looked like the whole school was there.

As I'm looking around I see that boy from yesterday motioning me to sit with him and his friend🤦🏾‍♀️.

"Look again I'm sorry about yesterday can we just start over?" The boy asks

"I'm Alex and this is Deshawn btw" He says as I sit down

"I'm Jasmine " I say looking off into space

"So what school you come from?" Alex asks

"I'm from California " I say

"Oh so what's it like out there" Alex asks

"It's-" I start but Sanai and some other girl walks up

"Hey baeee" The other girl says hugging Alex.

"Who tf is this?" She asks mugging me

"Girl chill out...this is Jasmine, she's new" Sanai says

"Oh well Alex is off limits thanks" The girl says sitting between us.

"Ain't y'all supposed to be cheering " Alex says trying to change the subject

"It's almost halftime so we taking a break" Sanai says

"So new girl where you from?" The girl says

"California " I say

"Damn why you move all the way to Miami " She asks

"Goddamm Aliyah how many more questions you got" Deshawn says

"Bitch go choke on a dick" The girl says mugging him

"Naw that's yo job" Deshawn replies

"Bye cuz you finna piss me off " The says before standing up and kissing Alex on the cheek.

"Let's go Sanai " She says walking down the bleachers

"Excuse her" Sanai says before following her down the bleachers.

-Alex POV🤤-
After that it was an awkward silence.

"Look I'm finna go get me something from the concession stand " Deshawn says getting up

"Wait" I say

"What nigga" He says

"You can't leave me with her after what just happened " I say to where only he could hear.

"You'll be alright buddy😂" He says walking off

"Soo... hows California again" I ask trying to start a conversation

"It's pretty fun" She says

"Which part you from " I ask

"Oakland " She says

"Oh cool" I say

"You got a Instagram" I ask

"Yeah it's @jaasmiinee" She says

"Bet" I say searching up her @

About 5 minutes later Deshawn comes back with two nachos

"Thanks" I say reaching for one but he moves

"Aye these for me" He says making me roll my eyes

•1 hour later•

"Well Alex I actually had fun tonight " Jasmine says as we all exit the gym

"Me too" I smile looking at her

"So you want me to walk you out?" I ask

"No that's okay aren't you leaving with Deshawn " She asks

"He can wait come on" I say as we put the door

"I think I see my mom over there" She says looking into the parking lot

"Ok see you tomorrow" I say

"See you tomorrow " She replies

I can't wait to make her my girlfriend

Well It's Finally Done. Sorry For The Delay I Have A Verrry Busy Schedule. I'll Try To Update My Other Stories As Soon As I Can. But I've Just Made A New Mini Barbie Book You Guys Should Go Read It.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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