Day 1 Part 2

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Im going to be very inconsistent so here we go. Also the picture a friend sent to me without any context.
Ethan's P.O.V
I start to edit but all my mind wants to think of is Mark. I start to question things even more. Was I gay? Do I have a crush on Mark? Does Mark have a crush on me? My thoughts continued racing Tyler walks over to me and waves his hands in front of me. " Are you ok Ethan? You space out for a bit there." Tyler says to me making me snap out of my thoughts."Yeah im just....thinking about things." I say back to him. I try to get back to editing but I can't focus on anything else. I decided to ask Mark if I could go home cause I didn't feel well. I stand up but suddenly get a rush of anxiety as I walk over to Mark. " H-hey Mark." I stutter. " Yeah?" He says turning around smiling. Jesus Christ that smile. " Do y-you think t-that I could f-finish this video and then go home?" Why was I stuttering I never stutter in front of anyone anymore. That was all in high school. " Yeah that's ok? Are you feeling ok?" He say to me with concern in his voice. " Yeah im fine just got a lot on my mind." Woo didn't stutter on that one." Ok just let me know if you need anything or need to talk about anything." I tell him ok and the no walk back over to my desk. I could get through a little bit of editing.

Tiny time skip woooo

I finally finish the video. I grab my keys and walk out. Tyler said he would get a ride home with Mark so it wasnt a problem. I was slightly jealous of Tyler. Stop it Ethan! Stop being like that. Tyler is your friend, stop being jealous of him. Plus he is straight and has a girlfriend. I walk into the apartment complex and get into the elevator. I start to pace back and forth in the elevator contemplating myself.Did I have a crush on Mark? What was my sexuality. Now thinking of it, I never really like any of the girls I was in a relationship with. I walk into my apartment and lay in the best place to lay and contemplate thing. In between my couch and the Ottoman (i have no idea how to spell that) in front of my TV and Xbox one. I just lay on the rug and question things further till I inevitably fall asleep on the floor.

I wake up at around 8:00 p.m.  I hear knocking at my door. Who wants me at 8:00. I open the door and its Mark holding what looks like to be a tray. " You seemed sick or just questioning things so i baked you some cookies. They aren't the best but they're something." Mark say holding out the tray. " Thank you, you did not have to do this." I say back to him, taking the cookies and setting them on the counter as he follows inside,closing the door. We devour the cookies and end up ordering sushi. We get it and sit and watch videos on the Xbox. " So did you fall asleep as soon as you got home." Mark said to me ,trying to strike up a conversation. " Yeah." I show  him where I ended up falling asleep. " So what were you thinking about if you dont mind sharing." He says with curiosity. " Well I was questioning my sexuality." I said, looking down at my lap to cover my face which was getting red with blush. " What do you think you are if you dont mind me asking. " Mark says. " Gay." I say quietly,my face getting even more red. " Ethan" he say putting his hand under my chin and lifting my face up to look at him at face level. " Ethan you know this an accepting community, especially with me. You dont have to be embarrassed about anything." He says reassuringly to me." Thank you Mark it means a lot." He removes his hand and returns his attention back to the TV. " Do you want to watch a movie " Mar says switching it from YouTube to Netflix. " Sure what movie?" I say as I get up to make some popcorn. " How about Mulan?" Mark suggestes. " Sure!" I say as I make some popcorn. I grab two blankets and throw one at Mark. He throws a pillow at my stomach. " OK TRUCE." I say and put my hands up. The popcorn finishes and I put it in a bowl, grab my blankets, and join Mark on the couch.

Time skip brought to you by me wearing my Markiplier tour shirt

Marks P.O.V
Ethan ended up falling asleep cuddled up next to me. His head was rested on my shoulder. I put an arm around him and he snuggled closer to me. He was adorable. I had a crush on him and it was obvious that he likes me. But im going to wait till the end of the week to see what happens then. Im going to get more flirty as the days progress. I 'accidentally' fall asleep with Ethan in my arms. This is going to be a good week
WOOOO DAY ONE IS DONE. Im going to be inconsistent but that is to be expected. Hope you enjoy the story so far.

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