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- CHAPTER 27 -

Another year went by and it hasn't really changed much for Stanley. His routine still was the same;

Go to school;
Hanging out with his friends after school;
Parents fighting when he's home;
Friday's sleepovers with Bill;
Monday's to the doctors appointment;

Honestly, he was exhausted and tired. He didn't want to have the same routine anymore. He couldn't take it anymore.

Going to school where Bowers and his gang are bullying him; Having sleepovers with his best friend who he is in love with but knowing he won't ever feel the same as Stan does; Going to the doctor who always told him the same thing; His parents fighting all day long.

Come on, who wouldn't be tired of it?

But after all, Stanley is laying in bed with Bill on his side because it's Friday and they always have a sleepover Friday's. That's how it always has been since their friends and it always will be like that.

Neither Stan nor Bill could sleep, so they stared at the darkness, while the curly haired boy started to overthink everything.

"Hey, S-Stan?", Bill spoke up, whispering but not moving.

"Yes, Bill?", Stan whispered back turning his head in the direction where his friend was laying even though he couldn't see him.

"Do y-you think w-w-we will e-ever e-escape this t-town?", The stuttering boy asked with so much hope in his voice that it almost broke Stan's heart.

"Of course.", Stan answered as it was the most casual thing to say but he knew that it was a lie.

"You know, I think that what we see in this small town is not all. Sure, right now it seems like it's our whole world because we never saw anything else but imagine going somewhere completely different! Like— Like Los Angeles. I really want to live there. I heard that there live so many celebrities. I want to move there and you will come with me right, Stan?", Bill told about his dream without stuttering once and expected an answer from his best friend.

But something was wrong. Stan wouldn't answer. "S-Stan?", the shorter boy asked again but there was no answer.

He realized that the jewish boy was just asleep and sighed in relief as he scooted closer to him, listening to his breath which had an light whistle in it. weird.

Bill pushed his thoughts away and drifted slowly to sleep.

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no letter for this chapter hope it isn't that bad lolol .x

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