The reveal

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Okay the new guardian agreed to Tkki's plan so I'm now at the Eiffel Tower waiting for my team to arrive then behind me I hear..

"You pawsitivley have no idea how excited I am right now M'lady."

"Hi Chat." I replied.

"I'm finally going to find out the identity of the hero who gave me my miraculous."

" Hi Rena." I greeted her.

"I'm finally going to find out the identity of the hero who was my biggest role model."

"Hi Queenie." I greeted the bee themed hero.

"Hello dudes."

"Hey Jade turtle ."I greeted him.

"Okay so who wants to go first" Chat Noir asked.

"I'll go first dude and dudettes." Jade turtle replied.


"NINO!!!!" Me, Rena, and Chat all shout.

"The DJ freak." Queen Bee said.

"Okay so who's next ? "Rena asked.

"I'll go." Queen bee replied.


"CHLOE!!!!!!!" Me, Rena, and Chat all shouted.

"Who's next?" Jade turtle asked.

"I'll go." Rena replied.


"ALYA!!!!" Chat shouted.

"ALYADORK!!!!" Chloe screamed.

"Ill go next" Chat said.


"ADRIEN" me and Alya shouted.

"ADRIKINS." Chloe screamed. Then suddenly I could feel the tower shaking. I need to calm down.

"Okay, my turn and then ill tell you guys why I changed my mind. Well Nino already knows."


"MARINETTE!!!!" Adrien and Alya shouted.

"MARIBRAT!!!!" Chloe shouted.

"Okay so why did you change your mind bugaboo?" Adrien asked me.

"My parents recently told me a secret that they've been keeping from me." I started.

"Ok what was it girl?" Alya asked me.

"Well they told me that I was born with the powers of air, animal control, animal powers, atomic manipulation, creation, destruction, earth, electricity, fire, flight, force field , illusion, invisibility, luiquification, mind control, super hearing, super speed, super strength, shape shifting, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, technology control, time travel, water, weather control, and X-Ray vision."

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