Akuma, sister surprise, and Memories

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I'm running late because mom and dad had to tell me that my twin sister was coming home after studying in America for ten years. I could just teleport to the school but I decided that teleporting would draw way too much attention. I can't wait to show Bridgette that I mastered my powers. I wonder how well she's doing with her powers. Of course as twins we have the same powers.

"Hey missy watch where you're going." I heard a voice call out. I looked down only to see a stray cat.

"Oh I'm sorry, can I just say that you are beautiful and I'm sure that if you weren't covered in dirt and who knows what else that beautiful wouldn't even begin to describe you." I replied.

"Why thank you." The cat replied. Just then I could hear screaming.

Time skip to after the battle

"Great job everyone this akuma was easy to take down, but regardless with the way this battle went tonight will just be a quick patrol and then a hang out on the rooftops of Paris." I said.

"Of course this akuma was going to be easy, you just finished training with your powers, and have already mastered them even only knowing about them for what 2 days now." Rena said.

"I guess but I'm still getting used to even having powers put of the suit." I said swinging off towards the school. Once we got to school we all detransformed and headed to class

Time skip to after school

"Mari!" Someone squealed as they crashed into me.

"Wait Bridgette you're already home I wasn't expecting you to get here until tomorrow." I said hugging my twin. All my friends saw was me and a random girl who looks exactly like me hugging.

"I was able to get an earlier flight and as a result got to surprise you sis." Bridgette said.

"So Bridgette have you learned about our powers yet?" I asked. In response my sister nodded.

"I was told about them 2 days ago." I said.

"Really me too." Bridgette squealed.

"Guys um I'm not trying to be rude but could you guys go home so I can spend some quality time with my sister." I said.

"So patrol is -" Adrien started to ask.

"Still on I will meet you guys at the Eiffel Tower at sundown." I said as my friends nodded my left.

"What powers have you trained with and what kwamis trained you in what don't try playing dumb Marinette I just got my memories of Japan back and as we're twins I know you have as well." Bridgette said.

"Well I've mastered my powers and trained with Tikki for creation, Plagg for destruction, Trixx for illusions, Pollen for air, Dusu for water and ice, and Wayzz for the rest, except teleportation that was Cheesecake working together. I so ship them and as she's the embodiment of creation and he's the embodiment of destruction they're perfect for each other." I said.

"So it looks like you'll be Queen someday Marinette. You know I've never quite understood why people think that the miraculous are Chinese just because they follow the Chinese zodiac, they're Japanese not Chinese and it really makes me mad that people can't tell the difference between our culture and Chinese culture. I mean the ruler of Japan always wields a miraculous at some point in their life and yet people still mistake them for being Chinese." Bridgette started rambling.

"Bridgette mama and papa never had a miraculous but I will be the first ruler to rule both China and Japan having these countries to rule is my birth right and I promise you Bri-Bri I'll correct the miraculous mistake." I said. What a day this has turned out to be I need some sleep before patrol.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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