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"This is Captain Marsh- present on 'copter 9B, we're currently hitting major turbulence and have lost all connections with the GPS system, please advise. Over."

James gripped the brace over his body. Struggling to hear a reply over the noise from outside. He could hear thunderous rain, rattling against the metal like hands scraping to get in.

"If any Zone relation can hear this, please advise. Over," Captain Marsh shouted into the talk-box with a clear voice. James' girlfriend Sarah reached over, clamping her hand over his. He looked over at her just as the helicopter dipped down- hurdling closer to the ground. James watched Sarah scream but couldn't hear her- couldn't hear anything. His medical training made him instantly aware of his whiplash. He brought his head back straight as the pilot regained control and brought the helicopter back up.

James looked back to where Captain Marsh was standing, one hand on the small box used for communications- the other was tightly holding on to the overhead bar, stopping him from falling. His face was pained.

The speaker came to life with the sound of static.

"This is the Contamination and Widespread Crisis Prevention Zone speaking directly to any potential survivors of helicopter 9B, can anyone hear me?" A woman asked, the Captain looked dazed.

Charlie Foster, James' best friend, was sitting just across from James. His eyes widened.

"This is Captain Marsh speaking, there are zero casualties. 9B is still airborne. Over."

Sparks were flaking from outside the windows. Sarah cried out and blindly groped for James' hand as she kept her eyes tightly sealed. James held her hand and shut his eyes too- his head was dizzy as they began to drop. A creeping feeling was stirring in his stomach as he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

"Mayday, mayday!" Marsh screamed over the radio. "We have hit an object and are struggling to regain control! I repeat we are struggling to regain control. Over."

James' head hit the back hard with the blow. He could hear cries of pain, yet he wouldn't dare open his eyes, not until he had to. The helicopter dipped and loose tools and items rattled across the ground to the other side.

James set his teeth- he wasn't stupid. He knew they were about to crash, he knew it would hurt. He dared to open his eyes and face Sarah, whose eyes were wide and glazed with tears- her left temple was bleeding.

Their eyes met, he didn't know what to say to her. They hadn't been dating long- only two months.

He couldn't have said anything if he wanted to- his jaw was clenched into silence, his head felt weak just waiting for the crash he knew was just about to come.

His head smacked to the side, hitting off something hard.

The hot feeling of blood on his eyes made it difficult to see. Opening them slightly, he saw nothing but thick grey in front of him. His ears were ringing- debilitating him from any use of hearing. The helicopter trembled but not enough for James to believe they were still airborne- they had already landed. Hard.

"Help," James croaked out. Smoke sucked into his mouth- making him cough hard. Reaching down, his hands were shaking as he tried to unbuckle himself from the chair, he failed. A burning smell followed along with a heat that made him sweat enough to draw the blood further down his face. He shut his eyes, and leaned his head backwards at an attempt to prevent too much blood loss.

Someone's hands clamped on his waist. James was slipping- he couldn't open his eyes. He could feel thumping from under his feet and something shaking on his legs. Fighting to open his eyes, he must have overexerted because he felt his head lean back... and nothing.

* * * * * *

"Do not engage with anyone or anything from outside the safety perimeters; if you do come into contact with anyone or anything out-with the group- report to your Captain immediately."

A tutting sound came from in front of James after whoever was there read out the sentence. James snapped open his eyes to see a man standing at the end of the bed James was lying in.

The man looked well into his thirties, with thick brown hair and a short-boxed beard that looked in need for another shave. He was tall, perhaps a little bit over 6 feet. James went over protocol in his jumbled mind- check for any signs of contamination. The man looked fine, he wasn't pale, his eyes were a normal shade of brown, he hadn't attacked yet.   

"Your Captain is dead, James Forest. Who're you going to call now?"

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