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OK guys, I know you have been waiting a while and I promise now that we have a lot of spare time (isolation and all) I will be updating this story a lot more. I do have a few things I want to get out in the open early on before I proceed with the story. 

I have watched, played and read a lot of stories along these lines, that don't only deal with zombie like creatures but also humanity and the lengths it will go to survive. Because of this, I have a good insight into the sorts of ways in which I can take this story that I want to be clear on. 

Later on in this story, I am going to write and allude to some serious and heavy topics, and I know for many this is very touchy to read and can be possibly triggering. This is why I want to have this warning. 

I've dealt with writing before (horror and thriller) that I know I wanted to write different but felt as if I wasn't mature/old enough to deal with properly in my writing but now I think I could tackle issues in a way that is authentic to real people and to my characters. 

I will include, in future chapters, a small note if there is going to be a heavy issue in that chapter but this isn't going to be much of a recurring theme. I just can't continue this story unless I know I can be authentic to the story and the world I'm trying to create; so yes, It's going to be violent, and gory (it is a zombie survivor horror) and I want it to be shocking, and trialling because that's the genre, and that's the realism I want to create. 

Trust me here, everything I deal with in my writing I'll read over, and I will not offend nor push a topic too far. Thanks for your patience while I write :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2020 ⏰

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