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Even though Higgs had suggested that they all stay in his room for the night, Merida didn't really think it necessary. If Euros was looking for someone in town then she figured the mansion was safe. Although, now that she thought about it, what could Euros really do to someone? If he was just the god of the east wind then the only thing he could do would be to maybe cause a cyclone, but that would be rare.

"Probably getting help from Brother Zeus an my knowledge of Greek mythology is correct." She said to no one in particular in the bed. "Then again, why would Euros and Zeus be all the way over here in England? Dinnae they have mortals in Greece to worry about? That had to have been Lugh and Borrum..." She shook her head. "Too much for me..."

A thunder clap sounded and made her jump, Merida putting her hand over her chest.

"Laird, they are loud..."

She saw her door open and Edgar stuck his head in.


"Aye, lad?"

"Can... can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Ye afeart of the storm?" He nodded and she smiled, pulling her covers up for an invitation. "Alright then, lad, hop in."

Edgar ran quickly and jumped into bed. Merida put the covers down as he emerged from them on the other side of the bed. He rolled over to be next to her and settled under her arm.

"What do you think Mr. Higgs will be in the morning?"

"That's a good question. I dinnae ken all of his transformations yet, so I cannae tell ye what to expect. So far everything's been alright but I've heard him and his father talk about certain transformations that werenae easy to control. Guess we'll have to see what happens on the morrow, eh, lad?"

She turned but Edgar had already fallen asleep and she smiled, turning over to blow out her candle.


In the morning, Merida stretched and was at first surprised to see Edgar but remembered it had rained last night and shook him a little to wake him up.

"Edgar? Edgar, wake up..."

Edgar moaned and turned over onto his side, pulling the covers over him more.

"An ye dinnae get up I'll have to tickle ye awake." Edgar made no answer. "Alright..."

Merida set to tickling Edgar awake. He squirmed and laughed and finally woke up, pushing Merida's hands away.


"I told ye to get up."

"Can't I sleep for a few more minutes?"

"Ye get up and help me. There's much to do..."

Edgar moaned but he rolled out of bed as Merida changed into her dress for the day and he ran out to go to his room. No sooner had he left than he came running back in and slammed into Merida's legs, making her almost buckle to the ground.

"Oi, what the bloody hell?!"

"Th-th-th-there was a monster coming down the hall!"

"A monster? Let go, lad..." She pried his arms from around her legs. "What kind of monster?"

"There was no head!"

Merida made a face when the door opened and a piece of paper held by a hand slithered around the corner, shaking.

PLEASE DON'T SCREAM. it said in large letters and Merida just waited. The door opened more and the shivering hand was accompanied by an arm, a shoulder, a neck and...

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now