The Collector of Heroes

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There was a loud explosion.

The ground shook, and lights flickered.

Then, smoke started to rise.

An alarm went off, the city bank was in flames as people ran out. One in particular was faster than the others.

A figure watched from an alley across the street. A hood covered his face and he held the straps of his backpack on his shoulders as he watched the Villain run around the corner, a bag hauled over his shoulder.

Like him, other spectators watched, however none made a move to stop the thief.

The figure stepped into the street and followed the direction the villain disappeared, weaving through the sudden crowd that gathered around the burning building.

The robber didn't get very far.

Not long after the alarms went off, did heroes and police forces surround the block.

Men with uniforms forced everyone back, creating a baracade that blocked anyone who wasn't allowed to enter.

The fire was put out, and those who weren't able to run out with the others were saved.

Then the villain was blocked off on a street around the corner.

Izuku took out his notebook and pen, and wrote as he observed from a distance as to not gain any unwanted attention.

Like most robbers, this one was just a petty villain who had no escape plan. It seemed he only acted rather than planning out a route.

His work was sloppy.

Mt. Lady intercepted his path. She was giant, as big as the buildings around them.

The name of her quirk flashed inside Izukus head: Gigantification.

He wrote down as many disadvantages Mt. Lady's quirk would have. Then he searched for her weak points as they fought.

While there were other heroes that came to Mt. Lady's aid, Izuku ignored them. They were irrelevant as his focus was on the one.

A crowd had gathered. They watched with interest, and cheered the heroes on.

Izuku was oblivious to it all. He stared at the scene, ignored the person who bumped into him.

The villain turned around, glaring at the heroes that surrounded him. His hands shook as his eyes darted around.

Mt. Lady stood at the end of the street, blocking off his only way of escape with her giant body.

"He's panicking." Izuku murmured to himself as he stared at the mans clenched fists.

The guy in front of him glanced back, yet Izuku didn't notice him.

"Of course he is, anyone would be if they got trapped so easily." The guy said. He turned back to watch the unfolding scene. "His ego must be shattered."

Izuku stared at the robber. Even though it looked like he would be captured, he had yet to use his quirk.

Though eighty percent of the human race have quirks, zero point five percent of the quirkless still attempt crimes.

He remembered the news lady's words from the night before. Izuku frowned.

If he hadn't used his quirk by now...

"He's quirkless." He murmured.

The guy in front of him must have heard him, "Why would he be stupid enough to rob a bank in a city swarming with heroes?"

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